Yes, our Transformers coverage at SDCC was terrible. It started Thursday when I pulled a novice move and left Room 25ABC because I had a couple hours to kill between Mattel’s first panel and Hasbro’s Transformers 30th Anniversary panel. I got back to the room with plenty of time, but the line to get in was super-long. On top of that, the previous panel was for the Transformers on the small screen, so very few seats opened up.
Thankfully, Hasbro sent us these images for showing off the reveals in the panel. The big news – for the 30th Anniversary, they are introducing the Thrilling 30 – numbered action figures that spawn the lines in the brand. The thirty will include Windblade, the fan-built bot created earlier in the year. My votes must have counted about a million each, because she turned out almost exactly like what I picked – the exception is that Windblade is an Autobot, not a Decepticon. Boo to the good guys.
The thirty will also include figure(s) from the new Transformers Construct-Bots line that Hasbro introduced to us over breakfast. Hasbro listed out the first eleven on the list, and also sent out pics for upcoming figures from each of their Transformers lines.
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