If you’re a customizer, you’ve probably ended up with a custom with a wobbly or loose head. Maybe the existing socket on the head you’ve swapped in is too big, or you drilled out a hole in a resin head cast that’s wide enough to fit over the peg only to find it flops around like it’s on a bobble head. Because I’m a lazy customizer, I had around half a dozen “finished” customs that were like this. For some, the heads would flop around mercilessly. For others, if you knocked the shelf the heads would just fall off. Pretty bad – I know.
Faced with this situation, a pro customizer would use a two part compound like Apoxie Sculpt or Kneadatite, fill the socket part ways and attach the head – and before it was completely cured, would twist the head so it wouldn’t be stuck in one spot. (Or, as some of you will no doubt be thinking, a pro customizer would have drilled the right size socket to begin with…) But I’ve found a much easier way – with silicone sealant. This is the stuff people use for things like aquarium repairs (I think) and… ok, I’m not a hardware guy, so I have no idea what else it’s used for. All I know is that I use it to attach heads to action figures. It takes five minutes and is super easy.
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