SDCC 2015: Mattel Masters of the Universe Classics and Thundercats for 2016 [Updated with Mattypalooza Panel Video]

SDCC 2015 Mattel Masters of the Universe Classics Snake Mountain (1 of 5)

Remember when I said I thought Mattel would shut down Mattycollector after 2015? When I saw Mattypalooza on the schedule for Comic-Con, I started prepping for this: I was wrong. 😀 I’ll write about my conversation with the new team soon, but in the interest of time, here’s what’s coming:

  • Collector’s Choice – a six figure Masters of the Universe Classics subscription with Lord Masque, Vultak, Darius, Crita, General Sunder, and a Horde Wraith. Despara is the sub exclusive.
  • Power-Con will have three redeco exclusives – Granamyr in green, Beast Man in red, and Khan in camo
  • He-Man and the Masters of the Universe – a new A-list sub in Filmation style with Classics articulation – He-Man, Trap Jaw, Skeletor, Beast Man, Evil-Lyn, and Clawful. Evil Seed is the sub exclusive.
  • Snake Mountain – ’nuff said
  • Thundercats – a new subscription starting July 2016, with Lion-o and Jackalman revealed. A withered Mumm-Ra will be the sub exclusive.

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SDCC 2015: Mattel Masters of the Universe Classics – Preview Night

AKA nothing to substantiate the Thundercats rumor other than I’ve heard it too

SDCC 2015 - Mattel Masters of the Universe Classics - Preview Night (1 of 28)

On Preview Night, Mattel left no questions as to what was coming for the rest of the year with Masters of the Universe Classics. They filled in all the blanks through December. But despite them saying that 2015 was the end of an era for Four Horsemen MOTUC, it seems like all marketing communications from the Mattycollector team is that they’ll continue making toys next year. The question is, what?

As I noted my approach to the Convention Center on my Instagram feed, I was asked to seek out Mattel and find the Thundercats / Four Horsemen figures everyone’s been talking about. While there’s a pretty active rumor about that, there was no evidence of it in the Mattel booth. Of course, they’d save that up for their Mattypalooza panel on Friday. By then, we’ll know what is coming from Matty in 2016.

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SDCC 2015: Our Comic-Con Schedule, and How You Can Join Us (Virtually!)

SDCC 2015 Our Comic-Con Schedule, and How You Can Join Us (Virtually!)

I’ll be the first to admit, we’re pretty awful when it comes to planning for San Diego Comic-Con. There’s so much to do and see, and frankly, it’s overwhelming.

But this time around, we’ll have some tools and technology that can help get you to the big show, at least virtually, if you can’t make it to there yourselves. So it makes sense to apprise our favorite folks, those of you who actually read the stuff here at AFP, of what we’re planning and how we’re going to share it with you. And to ask for your advice – there’s one scheduling conflict that I’ll need your help to decide on which to attend.

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Pop Culture Shock’s He-Man and Battle Cat Quarter Scale Statues Have the Power!

Pop Culture Shock He-Man and Battle Cat Quarter Scale Statues

I don’t normally post about statues – for the most part I can’t afford and don’t have the space for them – but these quarter scale statues of the Master of the Universe He-Man and Battle Cat are too good to ignore. They’re from Pop Culture Shock Collectibles and will be going up for pre-order over the next couple of weeks; the pre-order dates are July 13 if you want to order them in a combo (with a discount) and July 20 if you want to buy them individually. And tell me, how can you have He-Man without Battle Cat? I mean, the statues are designed to stand side-by-side, just like Battle Cat is forever destined to be at He-Man’s side in combat! Right?

Speaking of He-Man’s trusty steed, the Battle Cat statue comes in two versions. The regular version, available from specialty online retailers, will feature the helmeted look. The PCSC exclusive will have the same helmeted head, but with LED light effects. The exclusive will also come with an unmasked head. The combo comes with the exclusive Battle Cat, so it will be available on the 13th at the Pop Culture Shock website for $900, or $765 if you pre-pay in full. It will also come with a signed art print by Eamon O’Donoghue.

Now where did I put those lottery tickets?

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Masters of the Universe Classics Beasts of Burden One Day Sale 5/1

Up to 20% off Battle Cat, Battle Lion, Griffin, and Arrow

Mattycollector MOTUC Beasts of Burden sale

Mattel is holding another one-day sale to help clear out remaining inventory. Starting tomorrow at 9AM PST, four Masters of the Universe Classics steeds will go on sale at Mattycollector. Individually, they’ll be 15% off, but if you buy three or more, the discount gets bumped up to 20% off. The scaling discount works in any combination. That means if you want to build out your flock of Griffins for Skeletor, Beast Man, and the rest of the Evil Warriors, that’s fair game. Want an army of pastel-colored horses? You have the power!

Personally, I think this opens up some options if you wanted to use Battle Lion’s armor on Battle Cat to complete a 200X style steed for He-Man, for example. It’s still a steep asking price though. Normally, Battle Cat and the Griffin are $35, while Battle Lion and Arrow are $42. The Beasts of Burden sale will go for 24 hours, ending Saturday at 9AM PST.

Note: Our email digests are sent out once a day (we don’t want to clog your inbox when we post more than that), and some subscribers can miss out on these one day only sales. Please consider following AFP on Facebook, Google+, and Twitter for more timely updates. Happy shopping!

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