Remember ten years ago? You could buy a great six-inch, super-articulated action figure for under $8, at any Walmart, Toys R Us, or Target. Today, you’re looking at $15 to $20 – so it’s nice when a you can get a deal on figures that reminds you of the good old days. These four are Amazon Prime eligible, so free 2-day shipping could be yours. Holiday bonus!
Tag: Marvel Legends
Border Patrol: Marvel Legends Punisher, Planet Hulk, and Scarlet Spider
In AFP’s Border Patrol, we scour active eBay auctions for customized action figures that you won’t want to let slip by!
Marvel Legends Punisher – this Frank Castle by the guys at Loosecollector made him in the style of Ariel Olivetti – ends Dec 21, 2012 08:52:23 PST
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CustomCon 33 – Day Four
CustomCon 33 – Winter 2012
Welcome to CustomCon 33, the sixth installment to be hosted by and!
What is CustomCon?
CustomCon is a special presentation of new custom toy creations by customizers around the globe. Ten years in the running, it’s still going strong. Inspired by the presentations of new product by legitimate manufacturers at Toy Fair and other trade shows, CustomCon is a “fake” convention, whereby customizers present their latest creations and recipes as if unveiling a new line of real toys to retailers. It’s always a lot of fun, for both the viewers and the participants.
If this is your first exposure to a CustomCon, click here to see what’s been offered over the past 32 CustomCons.
DAY FOUR: Thursday, December 13
- Legends of Assassin’s Creed Exclusives by Whiskeytango
- Mugging for the Camera by Ibentmyman-thing
- Return of Marvel Legends Wave 3 – All Bucked Up by Thwiptster
- Star Trek The Next Generation 25th Anniversary HD Wave by Andy Kinnear
- Starjammers Minimates by Lobsterman
Additional Links
- CustomCon 33 – Day 1 (hosted at
- CustomCon 33 – Day 2
- CustomCon 33 – Day 3 (hosted at
- Discuss CustomCon 33
- View past CustomCons
CC33: Return of Marvel Legends Wave 3 – All Bucked Up by Thwiptster
We here at Hasbro headquarters are excited to announce the Return of Marvel Legends Wave 3: All Bucked Up! We were blown away by the reception our slap-dash efforts to cash in with a filler wave of repaints and weak reuse received, we decided to see just how much more money we could make if we actually put some thought into it! Starting right after you finally manage to acquire the current versions, you’ll be able to pick up all-new*, more appropriately scaled and articulated versions of the toys you just bought!
You’re Welcome!
Continue reading “CC33: Return of Marvel Legends Wave 3 – All Bucked Up by Thwiptster”
Only Hasbro Can Prevent the 2012 Apocalypse

It’s a scant nine days away from the impending Apocalypse foretold by the Mayans, and I’ve figured out how to save the world. And, believe it or not, it all hinges on… Hasbro?!
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