Masters of the Universe Classics King Hssss, Ghostbusters Vinz Clortho, and More on Sale 3/15

I’m pretty damn excited to get Battle Armor Skeletor this month. He and Battle Armor He-Man were two of my favorite figures from the original line of toys. Here’s the link to this month’s bundle page for easy ordering.

Also, our winner from our King Hssss CFP Free Stuff giveaway is Josh Waddle, who posted on our Facebook page that he wants Sssqueeze as his next Snake Man in Masters of the Universe Classics. He’ll be getting a carded King Hssss, as soon as my Club Eternia figures come in. Congrats, Josh, and thanks to all who entered our little contest!

3/15 SALE REMINDER: King Hssss™, Clortho & More

Toy Fans,

It’s time for your friendly sale reminder… be here on Tuesday, March 15th and here’s what you’ll find:

Remember, it’s a great month to be a subscriber of 2011 Club Ecto-1 because we’re shipping the inaugural club-exclusive figure, Marshmallow Mess Ray Stanz, along with Vinz Clortho. Sorry, this item can’t be purchased.

As always, the sale starts at 9 a.m. Pacific (12 noon Eastern). Want a reminder email? Click here if you haven’t registered yet. And don’t forget that we’re holding a special sale on April 1st when we’ll have a second shipment of King Hssss™ figures available!

— Matty

via Online Store.

CFP – Mattel Snake-Men? and Masters of the Universe Classics King Hssss Free Stuff Giveaway

What’s Friday without another installment of

Mattel Snakemen (1280x1280)

One of the first things that came to mind when I got the Masters of the Universe King Hssss in hand (thank you, Mattel!) was how Jake the Snake Roberts would feel. Mattel’s generosity can be your gain – at long last – another Free Stuff giveaway! This time around, we’ll be giving away one carded King Hssss, sealed up in his white mailer box, from my Club Eternia subscription.

Continue reading “CFP – Mattel Snake-Men? and Masters of the Universe Classics King Hssss Free Stuff Giveaway”

Masters of the Universe Classics Man-E-Faces Poll Results

I like that Mattel has joined the digital age when conducting its Fan Polls for Masters of the Universe Classics. They ran their first poll a couple years back for whether Panthor should come flocked – the vote was conducted during their fan panel at San Diego Comic-Con, based on audience reaction. People are still debating that vote (but I think they got it right). Last year’s SDCC fan panel had a vote for the paint deco for Swift Wind. That one was based on tickets placed in boxes – but each person got two tickets, one for each deco offered – and a lot of people I saw voted for both.

Online voting makes the most sense – it opens it up to the broader collecting community, not just those who can make it to events like Toy Fair and SDCC, and it means the results can be revealed sooner. I hope they run the next one like this too.

525 (42%) Half-and-half deco as presented at Toy Fair
421 (34%) Original cross-sell colors (flesh-toned skin)
296 (24%) Original toy colors (orange colored jump suit)

Recently, we ran a poll on the color of the upcoming Man-E-Faces® figure. What had happened was that The Four Horsemen wanted to do Man-E-Faces® with his mini-comic colors (flesh tone), Toy Guru wanted to do a full orange suit version, and a half-and-half version was shown at New York Toy Fair. Still, an agreement couldn’t be reached amongst the team so we figured we’d let the fans decide. And what did you choose?

So with 1,242 votes total, over 40% of you said that Man-E-Faces® should be produced in a half-and-half deco. Looks like the Four Horsemen and Toy Guru will just have to wait to see if their preferred versions are ever offered 😉

If you missed the poll, here’s the back story:

“Man-E-Faces® figure has a bit of a deco dilemma. The original cross-sell image of the toy on the back of the package showed Man-E-Faces® with flesh-toned skin with blue armor. But the original toy didn’t match this and shipped with orange skin, which most fans have interpreted over the years as an orange skintight suit (much like Man-At-Arms® wears a green skintight suit).

We checked with some of the original Mattel designers and indeed the orange color on the vintage figure was intended to be flesh-toned, but back in the day, our partners in China had a hard time matching the tone and he came out orange!

Most fans have memories of him having an orange suit (or orange skin), especially when you consider his human face was flesh-toned! And even more so, later figures of Man-E-Faces® (such as the 2002 figure) were done with purposeful orange skin/suit, so there is a lot of precedent for this color as well.”

You can look for Man-E-Faces® in his half-and-half deco to arrive August 15th, so be sure to watch this spot for official images and any updates as it gets closer. A big “thank you” to everyone who voted in the poll and helped us to resolve this difficult dilemma!

via Online Store.

AFP Ask Matty Round-Up for 3/1/11

Here’s our first Ask Matty since Mattel’s showing at Toy Fair. Let us know if you’ve got other questions you want answered. Read the full article and leave a reply below.

Thanks to the Mattel team for this round of questions and answers.

1) You really had us fooled when you told us that folks had lost interest in the Crime Syndicate – they all look great! What was the thinking behind mixing up modern and classic costumes, and what should folks expect for how long they might need to wait to complete either team?

Crime Syndicate box set (1280x854).jpg

The upcoming Wal-Mart Crime Syndicate five-pack was designed by the Horsemen to create the most definitive version of each character. We may indeed revisit the Syndicate in time (as there were many looks for the members) but nothing to confirm right now.

Continue reading “AFP Ask Matty Round-Up for 3/1/11”

Masters of the Universe Classics Club Eternia – Map of Etheria Viewer

Last year when the Club Eternia exclusives shipped, I published one of the more popular posts on AFP – the Club Eternia – Map of Eternia Viewer. I suspect that more of you are subscribers this year, but for those of you who aren’t, here’s the map viewer for this year’s Map of Etheria.

  • Position your mouse over areas of the map to magnify it.
  • To zoom in or out, scroll up or down with your mousewheel.

Big thanks again to my wife, who made this possible again this year. Enjoy exploring Etheria!

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