He-Fans, There is a rumor going around that Vikor’s shoulder were reveresed. It is possible a sample we sent out may be defective, but Scott Neitlich from marketing and Bill Benecke and Terry Higuchi from design just went over 7 different final s…
I know Buzzy is going to be relieved that the shoulders on the Masters of the Universe Classics Vikor, due out in January, are not reversed. I never noticed on the first He-Man, so I probably wouldn’t be able to tell on Vikor either.
There is a rumor going around that Vikor’s shoulder were reveresed. It is possible a sample we sent out may be defective, but Scott Neitlich from marketing and Bill Benecke and Terry Higuchi from design just went over 7 different final samples of Vikor in detail. Every single one is correct.
There is always a chance one single figure may be wrong (and I regret if this error figure was sent out as a PR sample). But I do assure fans that Vikor is correct!
See you in the toy aisles!
Want more Vikor? Check out Veebee’s first look at Vikor at the Fwoosh.