AFP Ask Matty Round-Up for 10/1/10

Hey Mattel fans – it’s time for the newest Q&A session of Ask Matty!  Thanks to Toy Guru and the gang at Mattel, and happy Friday!

1) You’ve told us that a Masters of the Universe Classics vehicle is planned for late next year. Have you started the product design process? How has the Four Horsemen’s Battle Ram influenced what you will produce for the line?

MOTU Battle Ram (1200x900).jpg

We have begun preliminary design work. The Horsemen “pitch” vehicle was more of there way of saying, “We can do vehicles too,” since they did not do the vehicles in the 200X line. We are excited to have them on board as we review which vehicle to do!

You can find more pics of the Battle Ram prototype in our SDCC 2010 coverage of the Four Horsemen.

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Masters of the Universe Classics Buzz-Off and Battle Armor Skeletor Pics

Mattel has updated their Facebook page with in package pics of Buzz-Off , some WIP shots of Battle Armor Skeletor, and some updates on Grizzlor and the Palace Guards. Who can figure out the hint for the April figure? If you’ve got a guess, leave a reply!

Hey gang,

A few new MOTUC updates for you.

  1. We just got in early samples of Buzz-Off in package. Note that we will see if there is time to turn his helmet around in package. Still pending.
  2. Got some new images of Battle Armor Skeletor as well with the chest plates and axe. Still not 100% final, but getting closer. Check out those purple feet just like fans demanded!
  3. Grizzlor’s head is removable. Earlier we had thought it would not be. Looks like I spoke to soon!
  4. The Palace Guards are slipping out a bit due to some logistics (yes we know how you feel about this word…). Look for them now at the start of 2011. Note they are not part of the 2011 subscription even if they slip out to early 2011 avail.

A lot more MOTUC greatness is coming in 2011. We should have the April figure to reveal soon. The sculpt just came in and looks fantastic. Once it is painted we’ll reveal this next figure to the fans. Here is a hint, he is a member of the Masters….

That’s it for now, see you in the toy aisles or on!


via Facebook | MOTUC Updates.

Masters of the Universe Classics Chief Carnivus

Chief Carnivus 01 (1200x675).jpg

I have come to dread the months that Sandman doesn’t pick up the Masters of the Universe Classics figure(s), because it comes to me take the pictures for AFP. And honestly, with MatthewK producing awesome shots each month, including yet another new custom diorama for Chief Carnivus, I’m at quite a loss for what to do that he hasn’t covered. But I’ll give it a shot.

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AFP Ask Matty Round-Up for 9/15/10

Hey folks – a new installment of Ask Matty is here – thanks to the folks at Mattel!

And, how’d you all do with your orders today?

1) At AFP we’ve picked up all of the Toys R Us exclusive DC Universe Classics All-Star repaints. Who is the final one this year – is it the Joker, or Nightwing, or are both coming eventually? Will All-Star repaints continue into next year, and what are the chances of a Super Powers-colored Wonder Woman and a lighter blue colored Superman (both seen on eBay)?

TRU DCUC AS BATMAN 001.jpgTRU DCUC AS BATMAN 007.jpgTRU-Green Lantern 001.jpgTRU-Green Lantern 009.jpgDCUC TRU Excl Flash 001.jpgDCUC TRU Excl Flash 008.jpg

Joker and a new Nightwing are in the wings to head out next, and the repaints will continue into 2011 at about one per quarter. Just which ones remains to be seen!

Check out our looks at Batman (Ron | Buzzy) and Green Lantern (Buzzy | Sandman) and come back for Buzzy’s review of the DC Universe Classics All-Star Flash tomorrow morning!

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Reminder – Ghostbusters Egon Spengler and Masters of the Universe Classics Chief Carnivus and Gygor on Sale 9/15

There’s only three figures on the sale date this month on

While he’s essentially a re-release of the San Diego Comic-Con exclusive from 2009, Egon comes unslimed with a PKE meter and a stack of books. I wonder if old school MOTU fans will scoop up Chief Carnivus, but I have no doubts Gygor will go fast. So be there at the crack of Noon EST!

Use this bundle page for ordering convenience (as much as that is possible :D) – Online Store – Create Your Bundle.

Good luck with your orders!

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