Masters of the Universe Classics Roboto and Zodac on Sale 10/15

Hey, it’s a quiet month for Matty in October, with just two Masters of the Universe Classics items on sale. Roboto may be a big draw, but it was a surprise that Zodac is not a reissue – sounds like Mattel is clearing out remaining stock that was held over from the original sale.

But don’t forget next week’s sale (see the release schedule through November.) With Gygor as the oversized quarterly figure, it might be tough.

10/15 SALE: MOTUC Roboto® and Zodac®

Toy Fans,

If you’re a MOTUC fan, then you’re gonna dig our October 15th sale because we’ve got two figures just for you!

Roboto® — The October Club Eternia™ Monthly Figure was inspired by the classic ‘80s toy, so he’s got gears that work and three arm attachments.

Zodac® — The man in charge of keeping peace in the universe returns once again. Note: This is limited stock from Customer Service, so it won’t have the “The Original” burst on the box.

The sale starts here at on Friday, October 15th at 9 a.m. Pacific (12 noon Eastern).

— Matty

via Online Store.

AFP Ask Matty Round-Up for 9/1/10

After missing a round (kind of) two weeks ago, we’re back with our regularly scheduled Ask Matty. Thanks to Toy Guru and the team and Mattel!

1) Great showing at San Diego Comic-Con! Many of the 2-ups shown from DC Universe Classics wave 16 and Green Lantern Classics featured double elbow and double knee joints. Is the plan to carry that through to production? I think the new joints would break up the sculpt less when posing (no awkward break in the knee cap, for example) and would provide more posing options.

Wave 16 - Azbats and Robin (1200x1200).jpgWave 16 - Creeper (1) (900x1200).jpgGreen Lantern (8) (901x1200).jpgGreen Lantern Classics - Amon Sur (1) (899x1200).jpgGreen Lantern Classics - Manhunter (2) (901x1200).jpg

We are adding more articulation to some figures where appropriate.  We don’t want to cut up the Horsemen’s sculpts just for the sake of articulation; only when it works for the characters.

See more pics of DCUC 16 and GLC here: San Diego Comic-Con 2010 – Mattel DC Universe Classics – Updates

Continue reading “AFP Ask Matty Round-Up for 9/1/10”

Mattel Publishes Schedule Through November

MOTUC - Chief Carnivus (1) (901x1200).jpgMasters of the Universe Classics - Gygor 01 (768x1024).jpgMOTUC - Roboto (900x1200).jpgMOTUC - King Grayskull (2) (903x1200).jpgDSCN0920.JPG

Ghostbusters (3) (900x1200).jpgGhostbusters (1) (898x1200).jpgJLU 01.jpg

Honestly, I can’t wait until 2011 when my all-in Club Eternia subscription kicks in. If Tytus was any indicator, September will be a quick sell-out month with the oversized Gygor figure going on sale. And I think November will be interesting too, since Grayskull was the first figure introduced in the line, back at San Diego Comic-Con in 2009.

Remember back then? The first He-Man on took weeks to sell out! 😀

No official pics yet of the line-up, which includes a couple Ghostbusters and the JLU Parademon 2-pack, but we included some from our SDCC 2010 coverage.

Continue reading “Mattel Publishes Schedule Through November”

Masters of the Universe Classics Orko Pic Review


Today we’ll have a look at everyone’s favorite Trollan, Orko! I know he’s been out for a while now, but what the heck, I have some photos to share!

Continue reading “Masters of the Universe Classics Orko Pic Review”

Masters of the Universe Classics Whiplash Quick Pic

MattK doesn’t know it, but he’s slowly but surely pushing me out of the picture taking business. It’s bad enough that he lives in Southern California, so he gets his subscription from a day before I do. But then he had to start making custom dioramas.

First he made a ruined castle dio – I bet even the most diehard MOTU purists felt a twinge of regret after seeing 200X’s Count Marzo in Matt’s review. Then, to make it worse, he fashioned a rocky cliff face that he used for his review of Whiplash.

Masters of the Universe Classics Whiplash

That brings us to this lonely picture I took of Whiplash yesterday. Seeing as how I’ll be doing a sort of “face off” review with VeeBee (who for some inexplicable reason digs the vintage head over the bad-ass modern head), I wanted to take a bunch of pics of Whiplash, who is now my top Masters of the Universe Classics figure. (That title had been going back and forth between Man-At-Arms, Tri-Klops, and Trap-Jaw for some time.)

Continue reading “Masters of the Universe Classics Whiplash Quick Pic”

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