San Diego Comic-Con 2010 – Mattel DC and Mattypalooza Panels – Ch’p and Weapons Rack Teasers

I had hoped to have video of Mattel’s DC Universe and Mattypalooza panels yesterday, but between my slow laptop and the even slower hotel network, they weren’t done uploading by this morning. In the meantime, here’s the teaser images of the Green Lantern Classics Ch’p and the Masters of the Universe Classics Weapons Rack from the end of each panel presentation.

Mattel DC Panel - Ch'p teaserMattel Mattypalooza Panel - Weapons Rack teaser

Stay tuned for those videos, and in the meantime, for pictures, check these out:

Mattel Reveals Club Exclusive Figures for Masters of the Universe Classics and Ghostbusters

At the two Mattel panels today at San Diego Comic-Con, Mattel revealed the exclusive figures for their Club Eternia and Club Ecto-1 subscriptions for Masters of the Universe Classics and Ghostbuster 6-inch lines. They posted images on this afternoon.

I’m a little iffy on the He-Man, but somehow they made Bow kick some ass. For Ghostbusters, I am still on the fence – a Stay Puft-covered Ray is cool, but I need to figure out how many variants of the main Ghostbusters I really need.

We’ll have video coverage from both panels later today.

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San Diego Comic-Con 2010 – Masters of the Universe Art Prints Available at Mattel

For those of you brave enough to endure the lines at the Mattel booth, you can pick up a limited edition Masters of the Universe Classics art print with purchase of a four-pack of MOTU art prints. But you have to be one of the first 25 people to do so, each day of the con.

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San Diego Comic-Con 2010 – Mattel Masters of the Universe Classics

MOTUC Prince Adam Statue (1200x900).jpg

It’s Preview Night at San Diego Comic-Con, and although I’m exhausted from the sheer excitement of it all, I couldn’t go to sleep without posting our first look at Masters of the Universe Classics. No, there wasn’t much, if anything new, but I was still excited to see some items that we’d only seen the backside of, like that hairy beast Grizzlor.

MOTUC Diorama (1) (1200x900).jpgMOTUC Diorama (1200x900).jpgMOTUC Diorama (2) (1200x900).jpg

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San Diego Comic-Con 2010 Most Wanted – Sandman

The 2010 San Diego Comic-Con is one day away and we’re writing down the things we are looking forward to the most! If you’ve never been to Comic-Con, I have to say it is one of the craziest places to be if you’re a fan of comic books, movies, television and most important to us: TOYS!

In this “Super Bowl” of geekdom, we get a lot of first peeks at various companies’ future toy releases. Here’s what I’m looking forward to seeing!

Masters of the Universe Classics (Mattel)


We got a lot of good stuff from this line this year. Last year Battle Cat was the star of the Con for me, as was seeing Teela and Trapjaw. This year they are supposed to show the same amount of figures they showed last year and I can’t wait to see what they have in store for us! I’m hoping to see Man-E-Faces, Panthor, Mantenna and maybe some vehicles!!

>> Read more about Masters of the Universe Classics

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