Spy Monkey Creations Shield of Destruction and Shield of Deliverance


Spy Monkey Creations has given us an early look at their Shield of Destruction and Shield of Deliverance, which are available starting today. These shields are designed to complement any 6 or 7-inch action figure line, but as you can see from the pics, it is obvious that these shields were inspired by the Masters of the Universe Classics toyline. The colors and deco match certain characters of MOTUC, and the design/look of the shields perfectly blend with the figures.

The shields have a diameter of about 2 inches, and are cast in sturdy, metallic-colored plastic. There is one base sculpt for all the shields, but they come in five different colors, and each has a different jewel/gemstone setting at it’s center. This creates a unique look and attitude for each shield.



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Masters of the Universe Classics San Diego Comic-Con Exclusive Orko and Prince Adam Packaged Pics

Mattel shared packaged pics of the SDCC exclusive Masters of the Universe Classics Orko. I’m wondering if people who keep their MOTUC collection carded are bothered that this package is slightly larger to accommodate the Prince Adam pack-in that you can make out lying at the bottom of the bubble. I suppose there wasn’t a way to keep the packaging size consistent even without hiding Adam to keep focus on Orko.

Orko Package front and back

Just got in carded samples! Enjoy and have a great weekend everyone.


SDCC version of Orko with color change figure and book! Both versions will come with the same Prince Adam and the same pack out. The card is a bit larger compared to a standard figure.

Orko’s package back. This will be the same for both the SDCC version and the Mattycollector.com version!

via Facebook | Mattycollector.com: Orko Package front and back.

AFP Ask Matty Round-Up for 5/15/10

Toy Guru and Mattel are back with another edition of Ask Matty. Thanks, guys!

1. We love the softer plastic that was used for the outfit on the Masters of the Universe Classics Evil-Lyn (see Sandman’s Evil-Lyn review), which really helps when posing her legs. Are you planning to use this softer plastic when you re-issue Teela?


Yes we are.

Continue reading “AFP Ask Matty Round-Up for 5/15/10”

Reminder – Masters of the Universe Classics Optikk, Tytus, Mer-Man and More On Sale May 17

This Monday may be another fun day at MattyCollector.com. Six separate figures (which can be purchased on the bundle page for the month) will be on sale:

  • Masters of the Universe Classics Optikk – the first character from the New Adventures of He-Man is the Club Eternia figure for the month
  • Masters of the Universe Classics Tytus – the fighting giant is the over-sized bonus figure
  • Masters of the Universe Classics Mer-Man – this will be his first re-issue
  • The Dark Knight Two Face – at long last, if you’re looking to complete your collection of Dark Knight Movie Masters, Two-Face is the last lead character to get a figure – you don’t count Rachel Dawes, do you?
  • Retro-Action DC Super-Heroes Green Lantern
  • Ghostbusters Walter Peck

I’m wondering how Tytus will do – while he looks great, I think a lot of people expected more articulation for a $40 figure. But who am I kidding? He’ll still sell out. Good luck on Monday!

via MattyCollector.com Online Store – Create Your Bundle.

More Masters of the Universe Classics Tytus Pics

If you’re still wondering about the size of the Masters of the Universe Classics Tytus after Fwoosh’s First Look, SCB shared some pics of a Tytus he was able to procure early. Tytus goes on sale at MattyCollector.com next Monday.

Got an early Tytus today. Figure looks great, most notably the head and armor which clearly are done by the Horsemen. The head resembles King Grayskull. The articulation is pretty bad. All he’s good for is literally standing and looking big. Mine didn’t come with the pooper scooper weapon, which is fine as I never liked it. Worst MOTUC figure quality wise, but I still like him.

via The Fwoosh • View topic – MOTUC Tytus Discussion | Pics | First Look page 2.

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