AFP Ask Matty Round-Up for 3/1/10

Here’s the latest Ask Matty Q&A.  Thanks to Toy Guru and Mattel!

1. Great reveal for the Wal-Mart exclusive Green Lantern 5-pack. Some quick questions: Is that Tomar Re or Tomar Tu? Is John Stewart’s Mosaic costume the one that matches Katma Tui’s from Wave 11? Will GL Sinestro have a mask, and if so, is it sculpted or just painted on?

DC Universe Classics Wal-Mart 5-Pack - Tomar Re (768x1024).jpgDC Universe Classics Wal-Mart 5-Pack - Guy Gardner 01 (766x1024).jpgDC Universe Classics Wal-Mart 5-Pack - Guy Gardner 03 (1024x1024).jpgDC Universe Classics Wal-Mart 5-Pack - Guy Gardner 05 (1024x1024).jpg

It is Tomar Re. The other outfits and look of the remaining three characters will be revealed shortly.

Continue reading “AFP Ask Matty Round-Up for 3/1/10”

Poll: What Kind of Club Eternia Subscription Do You Want for 2011?

Masters of the Universe Classics - Keldor 01 (771x1024).jpgMasters of the Universe Classics - Optikk 02 (768x1024).jpgMasters of the Universe Classics - Count Marzo (1024x1024).jpgMasters of the Universe Classics - Tytus 01 (769x1024).jpgMasters of the Universe Classics - Gygor 01 (768x1024).jpg

A couple of weeks ago Toy Guru posted the tentative plan for the 2011 Club Eternia subscription, an all-in package that would include the all of the monthly, quarterly, and oversized figures.  So I’ve got a couple of questions for the Masters of the Universe Classics collectors out there.

We’ll have a follow-up question tomorrow.

Masters of the Universe Classics Battle Cat

Mattel’s Masters of the Universe Classics keep cranking out some awesome figures, and today we’re taking a look at one of the most anticipated Masters of the Universe figures of the year – Battle Cat! Ordering issues aside (more on that later), this release is one of the best, if not the best, figures in the line! The first “giant beast” of the line, Battle Cat is about 12 inches long from head to tail and he stands about 5 inches from his paws to the highest point in his back. He’s a pretty good sized figure and worth the money paid ($30) if you’re a fan of Masters of the Universe toyline.



Continue reading “Masters of the Universe Classics Battle Cat”

First Look – DC Universe vs. Masters of the Universe Two Packs –

In case you missed it in our Toy Fair coverage of Masters of the Universe Classics, He-Man and Skeletor are making a return to big box retailers. They’ll each be paired with a big hitter from DC Comics, in DC Universe Classics vs. Masters of the Universe Classics two packs. He-Man will be paired with Superman, and Skeletor will be paired with Lex Luthor.

VeeBee has a first look, but even better – these have already started to hit at Toys R Us, where these are exclusive. Good hunting!

Right off the bat, I have been in love with the idea of these sets since we first caught wind of them just befor New York Toy Fair earlier this month. I mean c’mon – these are just the logical next step, the natural progression. Mattel has been rocking the collector sect with their amazingly-Four Horsemen DC and MOTU lines for a couple of years now so to find a way to bring them together is like a nostalgia overload for the children of the 1980s. It makes perfect sense since DC Comics did publish a run of Masters of the Universe comics back in the early 1980s and that is the road Matty used to bring them all together. Furthermore, this is MOTUC’s very first venture off of and into the retail aisles, that is a very exciting prospect in and of itself.

via First Look – DC Universe vs. Masters of the Universe Two Packs |

Masters of the Universe Battle Cat – Quick Pic

I’m going to leave the honor of reviewing Battle Cat and Trap Jaw to Sandman – his pics are always a lot more entertaining than mine so it’ll be worth waiting a couple of days. In the meantime, here’s a quick pic of Battle Cat with He-Man and Teela – I wanted to see if I could recreate the scene (inset) from one of the original mini-comics.  How’d I do?

Battle Cat with He-Man and Teela (961x1200).jpg

Incidentally, I was happy that Digital River and Mattel contacted some folks about filling orders that fell through last week – Sandman was one of the lucky ones.  I know that there are still a lot of people who weren’t so fortunate – for those folks, the silver lining is that Mattel is already planning to rerelease Battle Cat and Trap Jaw in the fall.

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