If you’re not a Club Eternia member, here’s what you’ll be missing out on – Wun-Dar, the Savage He-Man. VeeBee has a great first look at the Club Eternia exclusive figure that will ship in April. I love the nod to Wonder Bread on the harness – check out the pic from the back if you’re not seeing it.
Day three of our First Look Marathon brings us to Wednesday – and what a Wun-Darful Wednesday it is! Yeah, sorry, I promise that will be the only time I do that. Promise. Yep, we have a preview of the April-shipping, 2010 Club Eternia exclusive Wun-Dar figure. The He-Man with a mysterious origin finally, after decades in the shadows, takes his rightful place among the heavy weights of the MOTU mythos.
However, don’t bother fighting the Red Screen of Death to get him because, well, you can’t buy him! If you are a 2010 Club Eternia member he will be traveling with Evil-Lyn and the map of Eternia in April as your club incentive figure. If you are not a Club member, well, we have some pictures for you to look at!
via First Look – Masters of the Universe Classics Wun-Dar | TheFwoosh.com.