December is a huge month for – three Masters of the Universe Classics figures, the Animal Instincts 2-pack for DC Universe Classics, two Ghostbusters (Winston in 6-inches and Egon in 12), and a Dark Knight Movie Masters. Fwoosh is kicking off its First Looks with the MOTU Classics King Randor. Honestly, if I didn’t have a subscription I might be passing on Randor. He was a big guy on the show, but in the armor I think he’s a bit too thick.
On the plus side, VeeBee reminded me that the armor puts us one step closer to Jitsu! 😀 And stay tuned for more First Looks – I think the Goddess may be next.
The figure itself, as mentioned before, is very true to the original – he has a very detailed and stern look to him with his essential crown and kingly beard. I know a lot of people (even Toy Guru at SDCC 2009) have made reference to the fact that he closely resembles another king – a certain Highness of Hamburgers, but I would be too afraid to address him as such because he would probably kick your butt. Yes, He-Man is the dedicated Champion of Eternia, but if Adam never changed out of his purple tights and pink vest, Randor would probably be holding the line against any onslaught of evil.
We missed a Q&A round but are back with more Matty Questions and Answers – well, at least the answers they were able to give. A couple this round probed a little too deeply.
1. Nice pictures of Battle Armor He-Man – he was one of my faves as a kid. Will he be the first to have a personalized white mailer box? When will I get to see one of those mailer boxes with Jitsu printed on it? 😀
Yes, Battle Armor He-Man will be the first with his name on the white box. Jitsu will also have his name on the box, but we have yet to announce when he will be available. (nice try!)
Masters of the Universe Classics Teela and Scareglow
I’ll admit it – I didn’t open the Teela that I got as part of my Masters of the Universe September – December subscription last month. I was a little irked by how Mattel and Digital River handled the subs, and by the time I actually had the little white box in my hand, I just wasn’t feeling it.
But this month, they handled it well. The day before sales day, I got an email from Digital River saying that my sub was being renewed (I would have said “processed” but I got the picture) and a couple of days later, Scareglow showed up. And you know what? I really like both these figures more than I thought I would.
Mattel’s latest collector line update is a good news / bad news report. The good: the He-Man re-release sold out within a few hours and Scareglow the next day, and Mattel also posted on Facebook that the Color of Fear 2-pack is the best selling DC Universe Classics 2-pack yet. For Masters of the Universe Classics, I wonder if the He-Man sell-out there’s a whole new crop of collectors who jumped on board for the line. And for DCUC, I hope the strength of sales helps convince Mattel to continue the 2-packs after next month’s Animal Instincts, which is reportedly the last for the time being.
The bad news: the continuation of the Dark Knight figures on may be stalled out. The bank robber Joker was posted a month late, and is still available. Since Mattel won’t commit to Survival Suit Bruce Wayne in December (the originally posted sales date was October 15), I am wondering if they’re waffling on continuing the line. A lot of people weren’t thrilled with the $20 price tag, so it wouldn’t be surprising if sales are lackluster.
Mattel posted a general update for its collector lines. It’s quite long, so I’ll summarize it here.
DC Universe Classics wave 11 will be sold on in master cases of 8 (both Steppenwolves, regular Deadman), but may not be until after the holidays
12-inch General Zod and 8-inch Green Arrow are coming on December 15
New JLU 3-packs should be hitting Target in force before the holidays
Select Avatar figures on MattyCollector starting December 1
WWE is coming January 1 (yes, we know!)
Masters of the Universe Classics Moss Man sample will be posted as soon as the “fur” color is right (I thought it was moss :-))
Mattel is working on Battle Cat packaging – currently his mask is falling off in package (a box with blister back)
Evil Lyn will be the April 2010 figure, and will be featured in Toy Fare #150, the 2010 preview issue
More Ghostbusters are planned, but it might not be until San Diego Comic-Con 2010 until we get all the news
Also, don’t forget – it’s sale day on on Monday at Noon Eastern. I’ll be picking up a Masters of the Universe Scareglow via my subscription, and will probably pick up a couple DC Universe Classics Color of Fear 2-packs separately.
Gee, Mattel, can you and Digital River *please* work on finding a way to combine extra orders with the subscriptions? Don’t penalize your loyal customers.