AFP Ask Matty Round-Up for 4/2/10 – the Real Deal

Some people sure got heated in their reaction to Toy Guru’s Magic 8-Ball April Fool’s prank yesterday. Did you really think he would leave us hanging? He’s supposed to be on vacation, but he still took the time to send us the real answers for this session. Thanks to Toy Guru and Mattel!

1. This may be a little early, but Raven is on my mind with Collect & Connect Trigon coming soon. Is Mattel planning to do another Fan’s Choice for DC Universe Classics in conjunction with Toyfare this year? And with respect to runner-ups from the prior votes, are any of those characters on the table for the upcoming year?

DC Universe Classics Wave 10 - Imperiex C&C 07 (787x1200).jpgDCUC 11 Kilowog 016.jpgDarkseid 005.jpgSuperman Batman Public Enemies - Brimstone with Giganta (1200x1199).jpgDC Universe Classics 13 - Trigon 02 (768x1024).jpg

Yes, we do plan to do another fan’s choice contest, but for 2011, it will be for a Collect and Connect figure! Yes, we do have plans for some of the runner’s up. More details at SDCC.

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Vote for Batman in the DC Universe Classics March Madness Tourney Quarterfinals!


Quarterfinals at Rann: Batman vs. Blue Beetle

As you may know if you’ve stopped by AFP recently, I’ve been linking to a really great event that VeeBee organized at the Fwoosh – the DC Universe Classics March Madness Tournament. We’re now determining the Final Four in the Quarterfinals, and the most tightly contested race is between Bats and a very worthy competitor, the Blue Beetle.

Now, I won’t suggest that VeeBee did anything to rig the draw for his favorite character, but Blue Beetle hasn’t faced any real competition through four rounds of this thing. To get here, Blue Beetle has completely crushed Mary Marvel, Braniac, Firestorm, and the Spectre. Meanwhile, Batman has had to go up against Gorilla Grodd, the Parademon, Mr. Miracle, and even the second half of the Dynamic Duo, Robin!

When I checked late last night, Batman and Blue Beetle were neck and neck. The poll had them each at 50% of the vote, and when I looked at the actual votes, they were separated by single digits. So go and vote! And make sure you vote for Batman! Do it now, because the quarterfinals end today.

Here’s a few of the pictorials we’ve done that demonstrate just how awesome and worthy of winning he is.


Don’t Miss the Fwoosh DC Universe Classics March Madness Tourney Quarterfinals

The exits of Aquaman and Black Adam last round were a little surprising to me, and seeing the last of Hawkman in an extremely closs to the Joker might be the biggest moment of the tournament so far. Each of the matchups this round is going to be awesome, but I’m most interested in Batman vs. Blue Beetle – just because I know VeeBee wants Blue Beetle to win it all, and this may be the first chance to knock him out of the tournament!

Now we have come to it – we have the winners of each of our original regions and they are set to go off-planet it battle it out in the Tournament Quarterfinals! That’s right, Earth is just not big enough to house this tournament any longer so Thanagar, Qward, Rann and Korugar now play hosts to the final eight competitors. There were some close calls and some upsets in the regional finals! Let’s take a look at the results:

  • Green Arrow is now an official ghostbuster with a huge 67 to 33 win over Gentleman Ghost.
  • Darkseid pulled off a very surprising, not to mention close, 52 to 48 win over Aquaman.
  • Metamorpho just barely handled Black Adam with a 54 to 46 victory.
  • Deathstroke showed Wonder Woman who wears the pants with a huge 61 to 39 win.
  • Batman is still the boss, putting Robin in his place with a 66 to 34 victory.
  • Blue Beetle bested the Spectre with a too close for comfort win of 58 to 42.
  • The Joker just barely claims a victory over the mighty Hawkman with a score of 51 to 49. WOW!
  • Kilowog made a poozer out of Kalibak with a huge win of 75 to 25.

It is a veritable pantheon of DC Universe action figure powerhouses! But now it is time for you make your tough choices, cut the field in half and send those that are destined to advance off to Apokolips and New Genesis!

Voting for this bracket ends on April 2nd, so make your picks now!

View the full Bracket HERE

via DCUC March Madness – Quarterfinals |

AFP Ask Matty Round-Up for 4/1/10

Please find below the bi-monthly answers to your “Ask Mattel” questions.  Scott is currently out of the office but asked us to provide answers on his behalf.  We know he is the “Toy Guru” and an expert on all things Matty Collector so to keep the same quality of answers you’re readers are used to, we consulted with an answer expert – please go ahead and post these as the official Mattel answers.  You can go ahead and forward your April 15th questions to Scott directly.

Sometimes, I don’t know why we bother with these Q&A sessions. All we ever get are these non-answers, session after session after session. And even though we are getting our answers from someone else this go around, it’s just more of the same.

1. This may be a little early, but Raven is on my mind with Collect & Connect Trigon coming soon. Is Mattel planning to do another Fan’s Choice for DC Universe Classics in conjunction with Toyfare this year? And with respect to runner-ups from the prior votes, are any of those characters on the table for the upcoming year?



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Don’t Miss the Fwoosh DC Universe Classics March Madness Tourney Regional Finals

It’s the Sweet Sixteen in the Fwoosh DCUC March Madness Tournament, and there’s some great matchups. Batman vs. Robin? Kalibak vs. Kilowog? Who will make it to the Elite Eight?

Well ladies and gentleman, we have whittled the DCUC field down to just 16 competitors. One of these 16 will be your favorite DCUC figure produced thus far – pretty exciting! We have reached the Regional Finals where we will see who is the favorite figure from each bracket town and who will get to go off-planet to compete in the tournament quarterfinals. Are you ready? Here we go!

Voting for this bracket ends on March 31st, so make your picks now!

View the full Bracket HERE

We are going to keep this at a good pace so please pay attention to the dates, once a round is closed, it is over and we will advance the winners until we get to the final two that will battle it out in the center of the universe on Oa!

via DCUC March Madness – Regional Finals |

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