Masters of the Universe Classics Stratos Re-Issue


Better late than never? Since I missed out on Stratos the first time around, I figured I’d do a pictorial review of him now that I finally have him with his recent reissue at (As of this writing he has since sold out again.) Let’s have a look, shall we?

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Don’t Miss the Fwoosh DC Universe Classics March Madness Tourney

VeeBee and the DC faithful at the Fwoosh (including me) have put together a fun event for the DC Universe Classics fans. Vote for your favorite DC Universe Classics figures and help determine who comes out on top of the first Fwoosh DC Universe Classics March Madness tournament!

The Madness has begun and it is now time to cast your ballots in the tournament that will determine the best DC Universe figure to date as voted on by you – the fans! We have tried to make this as comprehensive as possible and we have 128 entrants that are vying for the top spot, but it isn’t going to be easy.

For the opening round match-ups and seedings the competitors were placed at at RANDOM in an attempt to have an even distribution. We have regular figures, exclusives, Collect and Connects, DC Superheroes, Public Enemies and monkeys – oh my! Plus we will travel to exciting locales around the DC Universe to hold all of the match-ups. Are you ready to see this gigantic bracket? Well check it out!

Full Tournament Bracket and Schedule

As you can see, the 8 regions are:

So go make your choices for the opening round!

via DCUC March Madness – The Madness Commences

Masters of the Universe Classics Moss Man and Stratos Packaged Pics

Masters of the Universe Classics Moss Man - card (901x1200).jpgMasters of the Universe Classics Moss Man - card back (899x1200).jpgMasters of the Universe Classics Stratos - card (899x1200).jpgMasters of the Universe Classics Stratos - card back (899x1200).jpg

With the quick sell-out of Moss Man on Monday this week, I hope those of you who were hoping to pick up a Moss Man were able to. I’m lucky to be on the Club Eternia subscription – I signed on to at about 10 minutes after the official start time to pick up Stratos, and both versions of Mossy were already sold out.

I’m hoping that Sandman has his pictorials for these guys up soon. Should be fun!

DC Universe Classics Wal-Mart Wave 5 On Sale On in May

This is great news for those of you who were not able to complete the elusive DC Universe Classics Wal-Mart wave 5 from 2 years ago. The wave will be sold as a set of all five figures, including the parts to build the Metallo Collect & Connect figure, on the sales date on May 17th.

With the Masters of the Universe Classics Optikk and Tytus (the second over-sized figure for the year), Ghostbusters Walter Peck, and The Dark Knight Two-Face, that is shaping up to be a crazy sales date.

DCU Wave 5 Is Alive!

DCU Fans,

Back in 2008, we released Wave 5, which was an instant success and subsequently pretty hard to find. If you missed your chance, mark May 17th on your calendar, because Wave 5 is coming back!

This release is identical to the one in 2008 − same package, same decos, not a single change to the figures. Like all our boxed sets, these are individually carded figures packed into a single box. The set has the five figures you need to build a 9” Collect and Connect™ Metallo figure. Take a look inside and you’ll find these classic characters ready to rock your collection:

  • Eradicator
  • Black Lightning
  • Amazo
  • The Riddler
  • The Atom

Don’t want to miss your shot at this fan-favorite? If you’re not registered yet for emails, and I’ll send you a reminder. You can also follow me on Twitter where I post reminders.


via Online Store.

Masters of the Universe Classics Keldor Packaged Pics

It was my first San Diego Comic-Con, and I had no idea how difficult it could be to get the Con exclusive toys. After waiting at Mattel for almost an hour, I discovered that I was in the wrong line, and could only buy the Batman exclusive. I missed out on Keldor completely.

Now that Keldor is confirmed as a bonus figure in Masters of the Universe Classics, I do feel some anxiety, since MOTUC has been selling out so quickly. Hopefully the adjustments to the production levels will have kicked in by the time Keldor ships in June.

Keldor™ is Coming: Secrets of Skeletor® Revealed!

MOTU Fans,

For longer than we can remember, the background of Keldor™ has been shrouded in mystery… but in preparation of his arrival on June 15th here at, we herewith reveal his bio!

Keldor™ was the first figure in the 2002 line aimed directly at collectors, sold first at SDCC in 2003. So, with this amazing figure we have really come full circle. Not only does this bio reveal major secrets from the past of Skeletor®, but Keldor™ also includes a removable cape that can be used for your Skeletor® figures as well! He comes with both halves of the Power Sword® in purple (the only time we will do both halves in purple) and the acid vial that wounded him in battle with his half-brother, King Randor™.

Please note that Keldor™ is a “quarterly” figure and not part of the Club Eternia™ subscription. You can get him for your own at 12:00 Noon Eastern / 9:00am Pacific on Tuesday, June 15th here at If you’re not registered yet for an email reminder, . You can follow me on Twitter where I post reminders, too.


via Online Store.

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