How To Create Your Own Photo Backdrop

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I was chatting with some of the guys about taking pictures of action figures – a hobby near and dear to my heart, in case you hadn’t noticed. We got onto the subject of backgrounds. I’ve used plain dark backgrounds for dramatic lighting and plain light backgrounds to highlight the figures. And there’s guys like Sandman, who build elaborate sets for his photo shoots – see Sandman’s recent pictorial reviews for some mind-blowing shots.

There’s another type of background – the photo backdrop. A simple photo backdrop can provide the effect of a three-dimensional environment without having to build one. That’s the subject of this how-to article.

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Masters of the Universe Classics She-Ra Packaged Pics

Mattel posted packaged shots of She-Ra on their Facebook page. This should clear up any questions about her head. Two heads are included, with one coming with a mask that can be displayed eyeholes up or down.

Just got in first samples of packaged She-Ra. A few small tweaks but it is pretty much ready to go for June!

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  • She-Ra in her package. Packed out just like all MOTUC figures with the same “head look” as the vintage toy.
  • Here is She-Ra’s package back with an all new bio!

via Facebook | She-Ra in package!

Here’s the bio, for those of you whose eyes are failing them (like mine are for me!)

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Mattel DC Universe Classics Waves 13 and 14 Update

Mattel has posted a couple of DC Universe Classics updates on the Facebook page. First, a quick update on the modern Cheetah variant for DC Universe Classics 13. The deco has been revised to add a black top and black leggings to represent her most recent look. For posterity, I included the original 2-up prototype shot on the right.

DC Universe Classics 13 - Cheetah (modern) - revised.jpgDC Universe Classics 13 - Cheetah (modern).jpg

Here is the final version of Modern Cheetah. We do have plans for the all animal skin version, but not in Wave 13. Stay tuned!

Mattel also posted pics of the Wal-Mart exclusive wave 14. Although I knew Zatanna’s hat was removable, I hadn’t seen a pic with her hat off.

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Superman Batman Public Enemies Quick Pics

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We’ve had more in-depth reviews of Superman Batman Public Enemies (see the review from Buzzy Fret and a guest review from Studmuffin), but since I recently completed the Brimstone Build-A-Figure that was split over two waves of these figures, I wanted to take a few more pics. Overall, I think this series works well enough as a standalone line. If you’re a fan of animated-styled figures and the ongoing McGuinness lines from DC Direct, you may find these complementary.

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Mattel to Sell Masters of the Universe Classics Tri-Klops and Ghostbusters Ray Stanz at C2E2 [Corrected]

In my haste this morning, I mistakenly posted that Trap Jaw, not Tri-Klops, would be on sale at C2E2 – thanks to all of you who contacted me to alert me of my error.

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If you missed out on your chance at the Masters of the Universe Classics Tri-Klops (see my review), you may not have to resort to eBay or wait for Mattel to reissue him. Residents of the Chicago area will have a chance to pick up Tri-Klops from Mattel at the Chicago Comic & Entertainment Expo, which runs from April 16 – 18.

They’ll also have another sold out item, Ghostbuster’s Ray Stantz (see my review), available.  Both items will be in limited quantities, so stop at Mattel first!

Mattel Display at Chicago Comic Expo & Reserve Products For Sale

Toy Fans,

As you know, we hold back product from sales in “reserve” to replace damaged or lost product. After enough time has passed, the product isn’t needed any longer so we’ve decided to start offering that product to you. We’ll begin selling it at various conventions around the country and eventually offer some here at

The first offering will be limited quantities of Ghostbusters™ 6″ Ray Stanz™ and Masters of the Universe® Classics Tri-Klops® figures in April. You’ll find them for sale at the convention sales desk at the Chicago Comic & Entertainment Expo (C2E2) show running April 16-18.

Even if you’re not in the market for these figures, be sure to stop by the Mattel display. MOTU fans will find favorites like Count Marzo™, Gygor™, Tytus™, Keldor™, Whiplash™, Optikk™, and more! And if you dig DC, don’t miss the Wave 14 figures, Lobo, and Waves 1 and 2 of the Retro-Action™ line. Plus, a spirited Ghostbusters™ collection will be on hand.

That’s just a taste of some of the hot toys you can expect to see. So remember, if you’re in the Chicago area April 16-18, stop by the Chicago Comic & Entertainment Expo and tell ‘em Matty sent you!


P.S. Please don’t call Digital River asking to purchase the product. It will only be sold as described above.

via Online Store.

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