I’m going to leave the honor of reviewing Battle Cat and Trap Jaw to Sandman – his pics are always a lot more entertaining than mine so it’ll be worth waiting a couple of days. In the meantime, here’s a quick pic of Battle Cat with He-Man and Teela – I wanted to see if I could recreate the scene (inset) from one of the original mini-comics. How’d I do?
Incidentally, I was happy that Digital River and Mattel contacted some folks about filling orders that fell through last week – Sandman was one of the lucky ones. I know that there are still a lot of people who weren’t so fortunate – for those folks, the silver lining is that Mattel is already planning to rerelease Battle Cat and Trap Jaw in the fall.
If you’re not a Club Eternia member, here’s what you’ll be missing out on – Wun-Dar, the Savage He-Man. VeeBee has a great first look at the Club Eternia exclusive figure that will ship in April. I love the nod to Wonder Bread on the harness – check out the pic from the back if you’re not seeing it.
Day three of our First Look Marathon brings us to Wednesday – and what a Wun-Darful Wednesday it is! Yeah, sorry, I promise that will be the only time I do that. Promise. Yep, we have a preview of the April-shipping, 2010 Club Eternia exclusive Wun-Dar figure. The He-Man with a mysterious origin finally, after decades in the shadows, takes his rightful place among the heavy weights of the MOTU mythos.
However, don’t bother fighting the Red Screen of Death to get him because, well, you can’t buy him! If you are a 2010 Club Eternia member he will be traveling with Evil-Lyn and the map of Eternia in April as your club incentive figure. If you are not a Club member, well, we have some pictures for you to look at!
If you’re a Ghostbusters fan feeling a little lack of love from Mattel’s Ghostbusters showing at Toy Fair, take heart – there’s 3 more figures for this year that have not yet been revealed. On top of that, Mattel includes a tease in this update about another item for San Diego Comic-Con.
I’ll make my guess right now – giant Stay Puft Marshmallow Man – I just hope they don’t pull an Anti-Monitor raffle on us! 😀
Ghostbuster Update
Ray in Lab Coat
Sewer ghost
Venkman and Slimer
Peck and containment unit
Lab Coat Ray will ship in Aug. He comes with the Ghost Sniffer later used by Peter in Dana’s appartment!
Ray comes with the sewer Ghost. The eyes will be painted on the final figure and will glow in the dark!
Slimed Peter features an all new Peter head, untucked pants, gloved hands and comes with a new Slimer sticking out his tongue! He ships in June.
Walter Peck now ships in May and comes with an in-scale containment unit that opens up to accept the trap that comes with Winston!
Hey Slime Fans,
I wanted to jump in and give a quick update on what is going on with the GB line in 12″ and 6″ scale. We’ve had a few delays in release dates, but all six 6″ figures and the Peter and Winston 12″ figures are still set for release in 2010.
Orignally we had intended for a new 6″ figure to ship ever 2-3 months. But, inevitably due to circumstances well beyond our control we had a few hickups (this is why we don’t do preorders for any of our lines!). But we are back online now and 6″ Walter Peck is scheduled to hit Mattycollector.com in May. This will be followed by Slimed Peter in June and Labcoat Ray in Aug.
12″ Peter will hit in April followed by Winston in Aug.
We’re running a bit behind but by the end of the year we should be caught up and ready for even more Ghostbuster fun in 2011!
There will be three more 6″ figure for 2010 yet to reveal plus a really great SDCC item that will knock your socks off! The Ghostbuster fun has only yet begun – only on Mattycollector.com!
And stay tuned, Buzzy Fret is going to have his review of Wave 12 right here on AFP pretty soon too. – Ron
Wha’?! Oh yeah, Wave 12!
That’s right true believers, with hardly a chance to catch our breath from Wave 11, DC Universe Classics Wave 12 has come crashing down on us like a big ole Action Figure Tsunami! And what an interesting Wave it is. This is the first DCUC Wave sporting the new 75th Anniversary packaging and Collector Pins and the last (for only a little while I hope) to have a Fourth World character in the line-up. Whatever your feelings about DCUC 12, it is packed with character(s).
VeeBee continues the Mattel first looks with the Masters of the Universe Classics Evil-Lyn, the Club Eternia figure from April.
Even though your villains shelf already has a lot of blue and yellow to it – Evil-Lyn is going to stand out for you in a great way. She breaks up the man clan in Snake Mountain and certainly increases the evilness (like I said, it’s in the name!). She also represents, to me at least, the last piece of the puzzle for Skeletor’s main crew. Beastman, Mer-Man, Tri-Klops, Trap Jaw and Evel-Lyn were always the main baddies so it is really cool to call a small subset fininshed in my book.
It is strange though, the unannounced SDCC 2010 MOTUC exclusive figure not withstanding, Evil-Lyn is the last of the classic Masters figures to be released until AUGUST when Whiplash arrives. This line is going in some crazy cool directions, I am just glad to be a part of the ride.