Mattel has published the pics of DC Universe Classics wave 13 that originally started showing up on retailer sites a few weeks ago, but this set also includes the Collect & Connect Trigon as well as images of Cyclotron without his face plate.
It’s very interesting to see them move to double-jointed elbows and (perhaps) knees, as well as hinged wrists, on the modern Jaime Reyes Blue Beetle. I think if we asked Mattel (and we will), they would say that the make articulation decisions based on the character, using Green Arrow and his hinged wrists as an example. Jaime is definitely an acrobatic character, so the upgraded articulation makes sense, but I would like to see more characters articulated like him.
- Blue Beetle III – featuring some of the highest number of points of articulation in any DCUC figure to date!
- Blue Devil -long overdue!
- Modern Cheetah. A 50/50 variant.
- Vintage Cheetah. A 50/50 variant.
- Cyclotron. Anyone up for completing their original 1980’s DC toys in DCUC style? He will come with a base, not a Collect and Connect piece.
- Negative Man. One step closer to the Doom Patrol.
- Negative Man – chase figure.
- Superboy Clone – at long last the Return of Superman saga is complete!
- Wonder Girl adds to the Teen Titans line up!
- Collect and Connect Trigon for Wave 13.