Update @ Noon PST: MOTUC Webstor is sold out, and WWE Christian is a no-show in Early Access.

It’s 8AM, so Early Access to Mattel’s 4/15 sale is now open. Up for grabs, for however long the customer service stock lasts, are the Masters of the Universe Classics Mosquitor, Webstor, and the Snake Men 2-pack. I wonder if we’ll see a fast sell-out on the Snake Men from army builders who’ve realized just how great those figures are – but the higher $54 price tag might discourage it a bit. Also available to Early Access participants is the WWE Elite Christian Flashback figure. I wonder how much longer we’ll continue to see WWE figures on MattyCollector, because we still have some of the fan-voted figures still available from last year. Only Andre and Miss Elizabeth were quick sell-outs.
Come 4/15, Mattel will add the Masters of the Universe Classics Snake Face and the DC Universe Classics Larfleeze to the mix for the open sales date. I’ve been looking forward to Larfleeze for a while – he arrives on somewhat of a bittersweet note, as he had originally been announced as bring bound for retail shelves. That was before retailers support for DCUC waivered, resulting in the new All-Stars / Unlimited direction. But hey – Monsieur Mallah and the Brain ship to Club Infinite Earths subscribers this month! Hurray!
For your convenience, here’s the bundle page for the 4/15 MattyCollector sale. It opens up at 9AM PST on Monday. Happy shopping!
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