Missing something? If you did not sign up for Club Eternia for 2013 and were hoping to snag the sure-to-be-an-instant-sell-out Masters of the Universe Classics Ram Man today, save your F5 button for another month – Ram Man is delayed. I suppose we should have expected it. After all, our friend Logistics has struck the MOTUC line for four months running now. Maybe it’s time for Mattel to just acknowledge that they’re off by a month now and adjust the schedule accordingly – at least before the next line-up announcement at Toy Fair next month.
What’s left is somewhat tepid sales day in Ram Man’s absence. We’ve got Princess of Power Netossa for Club Eternia, Blue Lantern Saint Walker for Club Infinite Earths, and… hold on, Rorschach is here to save the day for Club Black Freighter (do you mind if I just call it the Watchmen sub from now on?) So, maybe January isn’t so bad after all! Hurm.
For your convenience, here’s the MattyCollector bundle page for January. And if you are a subscriber, here’s the login page for subscriptions. Early access is also available through the top navigation there. Inexplicably, it’s not linked anywhere on the regular MattyCollector page.
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