DC Universe Classics Watchmen Club Black Freighter 2013 Press Pics

DC Universe compatible comics-based Watchmen figures were one of the most exciting reveals for me at San Diego Comic-Con, and a limited, six figure subscription is a great way to deliver them. Club Black Freighter will deliver one of the modern “Crimebusters” every other month. Mattel just posted their official pics of Rorschach and Dr. Manhattan on their Facebook page.

  • Rorschach – Hurm…
  • Dr. Manhattan – He can’t prevent the future.To him, it’s already happened.

Club Black Frieghter [sic] is in full effect! Only 4 more days to sign up on Mattycollector.com to get all 6 of Mattel’s comic styled Watchmen figures, one new figure approx every other month throughout 2013!

And all of these figures will come on an AMAZING Watchmen package based on the Absolute Watchmen box. Frank Varela our collector package designer extraordinare is hard at work on what may be his greatest packaged execution ever! Images of the final package as soon as we have it. But for now, here are the first two figures Rorschach with his grapple gun and base and Dr. Manhatten (base not shown, but same as Roschach).

All the Watchmen figures use the same “shared part” system as DCUC/Club Infinite Earth so they will fit right in with your exisiting collection!

Source: Watchmen 2013 preview!

DC Universe Classics Club Infinite Earths 2013 Press Pics

It feels like the push to subscribe to Mattel’s DC Universe Club Infinite Earths for 2013 hasn’t been quite as strong as Mattel’s effort for the Masters of the Universe Classics Club Eternia, but judging from the thermometer, it’s probably more severe. Mattel’s posted pics of the potential DC subscription figures on their Facebook page.

Be sure to  subscribe to Club Infinite Earths, if you want to see these figures on your shelves.

2013 subscriptions sales are on now and only through Aug 6th on Mattycollector.com! If we don’t hit the min number of sub holders we will likely do fewer figures at higher prices. But here’s hoping we don’t have to cross that bridge. Find out all the details now over on Mattycollector.com and enjoy the pics!

And hey, DC fans, don’t foget about our great Watchmen figures as well. Also avail as a sub and only through Aug 6th only on Mattycollector.com! We’ll get images of them up as well in the next few days.

Source: DCU Club Infinite Earth 2013 figures!

Masters of the Universe Classics Club Eternia 2013 Press Pics

Want to see what you (might) be getting with your subscription to Club Eternia for 2013? Mattel’s posted pics on their Facebook page.

Be sure to subscribe to Club Eternia, so I can finally get Jitsu! 😀

Hey He-Fans!

As revealed at SDCC a few weeks back, we have an amazing 2013 line up in the works for MOTUC 6″ figures, but it will only go forward if we hit the min number of subscribers. To purchase a monthly sub and find out all the details, head over to Mattycollector.com. Sub sales are only through Aug 6th, so sub up now to support more MOTUC figures!

Here’s a look at a few of the figures that will come out in 2013, should we sell the min number of subs!

Source: MOTU Classics 2013 figures!

Masters of the Universe Classics Granamyr Box Art Sneak Peek

Club Eternia subscribers were treated to a sneak peek of the box art for Granamyr the Wise, of the Eternian Dragons of Darksmoke. Granymyr made several appearances in the original Masters of the Universe cartoon.

I was blown away by the sheer massiveness of Granymyr at San Diego Comic-Con. I wondered at the time if those little chicken legs would be able to support his weight if you tried to pose him standing up instead of sitting – this confirms that sadly, they won’t. I’m thinking that could be remedied using some of the flight stands that had been available through MattyCollector some time back – they’re pretty sturdy, and could be strategically placed under Granymyr’s posterior.

Rudy Obrero returns as the artist for the box art – as many know, he did a lot of the artwork for the original Masters toy line, including Castle Grayskull and the vehicles, and he returned to Classics for the Wind Raider box art. I did not know that Rudy also worked on the Club Eternia exclusive maps: Eternia, Etheria, and Preternia – click for the AFP map viewers for each.

Fans of Rudy’s art – be sure to check out the fan project he is working on with Joe Amaro for a Manta Raider vehicle.

SDCC 2012: Mattel DC Universe Panel Video

While there was some overlap with the MattyPalooza panel that was earlier in the day yesterday, Mattel took the opportunity in their DC panel to announce their new retail lines for 2013 – Batman Unlimited, DC Universe Unlimited, and a Batman (Adam West) TV series line (to launch in fall 2013). We’ve posted pics earlier of Mattel’s new mystery line (Watchmen, spoilers!) and DC Club Infinite Earths. Enjoy!

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