SDCC 2012: Mattel DC Universe Preview Night

DC Club Infinite Earths (5) (1278x1280).jpgDC Universe All-Stars (8) (1280x1280).jpg

With DC Universe Classics pulling back from retail, we expected fewer reveals to open up San Diego Comic-Con. Mattel had a few reveals in Club Infinite Earths – Poison Ivy and Black Mask, and also had packaged samples of the DC Universe All-Stars lineup. I also snapped some pics of The Dark Knight Rises Movie Masters – I haven’t seen these yet at retail, even though they’ve been out for a few weeks.

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SDCC 2012: Mattel Masters of the Universe Classics Insta-Preview Night

Here’s some quick Masters of the Universe Classics pics.

[instapress tag=”afpsdcc12motuc” piccount=”0″ size=”150″ effect=”fancybox”]

It’s Preview Night at San Diego Comic-Con, and to get you the pics you want as fast as I can, I’m hooking you into my spanking new Instagram feed. If you’re on Instagram, follow me at afpron – that’s for AFP Ron, not AF Pron :). Stay tuned for better pictures soon.

SDCC 2012: Mattel DC Universe Insta-Preview Night

Here’s some quick DC Universe pics.

[instapress tag=”afpsdcc12dc” piccount=”0″ size=”150″ effect=”fancybox”]

It’s Preview Night at San Diego Comic-Con, and to get you the pics you want as fast as I can, I’m hooking you into my spanking new Instagram feed. If you’re on Instagram, follow me at afpron – that’s for AFP Ron, not AF Pron :). Stay tuned for better pictures soon.

Skeletor and Evil-Lyn – Easy Photoshop Tips for Difficult Compositions

Skeletor and Evil-Lyn

This weekend I saw that Netflix added He-Man and the Masters of the Universe (all 130 episodes!), so I watched the first, The Cosmic Comet. There’s a scene in which Skeletor and Evil-Lyn scheme away, with Skeletor’s face filling the left side of the frame with Evil-Lyn visible over his shoulder. Thinking that it would be a good picture to recreate with the Masters of the Universe Classics Skeletor and Evil-Lyn, I tried – but could not. With the extreme closeup of Skeletor, I couldn’t set up my camera to keep both his face and Evil-Lyn in focus.

No problem! With Photoshop, I knew I could combine the elements I wanted from a few different pictures to get the composition I wanted. Best of all, it’s easy. Here’s what I did – you can use similar techniques to put together images that you normally couldn’t with a single shot from an ordinary camera.

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DC Universe Classics Cosmic Odyssey

Cosmic Odyssey - group.jpg

I’ve often joked that Mattel and the Four Horsemen created the DC Universe Classics line so they could make every character from the epic comic from Jim Starlin and Mike Mignola that is Cosmic Odyssey – but seeing all these figures together, spanning the entire life to-date of this toy line, you have to admit that I may be onto something. The very first wave of the line gave us Batman, Etrigan, and Orion. That’s THREE out of the five figures in the first wave, all from Cosmic Odyssey!

And in the very first year of the DC subscription, the club exclusive figure is Metron – the New God whose quest for knowledge about the Anti-Life equation serve as the catalyst for the events in Cosmic Odyssey. Admit it – you think I’m right!

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