Awesome Jitsu Slogan Free Stuff Winner – Jim Ford

I know folks have been waiting to hear who won the Slush Head for submitting slogans for a Masters of the Universe Classics Jitsu. Congratulations to Jim Ford, co-host of The (highly entertaining) LanternCast. Jim sent in a few slogans, but the one that stuck with me was “Master of the Golden Pimp Hand” – and that spawned the idea for the t-shirt design.

I had a few ideas bouncing around, but Jim’s entry triggered the thought of producing some card art with the slogan under the Jitsu name. I had a tough time finding assets to produce the Classics card art, so I ended up mixing the vintage card art design with the Master of the Universe Classics logo. Big thanks to AdultCollector – he made his Photoshop templates for vintage cards in the Custom Clamshell Case Art thread on, and I used a lot of it. For Jitsu’s silhouette, I thought about tweaking a picture of the King Randor figure (his armor is Jitsu’s armor, after all), but then I found this Jitsu custom on masterenglish’s deviantART gallery.

The t-shirt is on its way – I’m trying out Spreadshirt this time (Fwoosh’s t-shirt store is on Printfection) and unless there’s some colossal screw-up, I should have it in time for our trek down to San Diego. For those of you going to Comic-Con and are planning to hit the Mattel panel on Friday, if you see me, come say hi!

Before I forget, Jim graciously asked me to donate Slush Head to charity. I’ve given the figure to one of the local elementary schools – they’ll raffle him off at their Fall Fair. Thanks so much, Jim!

DC Universe Classics Super Friends

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I’ve been taking pictures of some of action figure groups I have on my shelves, but this collection of the heroes that appeared on the Hanna Barbera Super Friends cartoon isn’t one of them. No, it’s not that I have a disdain for the cartoon figures in action figure lines (more on that below) – it’s just that the bulk of the characters are part of a broader Justice League of America display on my shelves. There’s no doubt, however, that the cartoon heavily influenced the character and decos of the figures in DC Universe Classics, so as I prepare for some reorganization on my shelves, I wanted to capture this group.

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DC Universe Classics Justice Society of America (Modern)

DCUC Justice Society of America 3 (1280x851)

Closing out my group pictures of the Justice Society of America, here’s the modern team, or more accurately, the one from the run of James Robinson, David Goyer, and later Geoff Johns. Although my introduction to the modern team was with Johns’ solo work when DC restarted the series at #1, I found that I preferred reading the back issues from Robinson and Goyer. So, my shelf excludes later additions to the team like Magog or Commander Steel as a Citizen Steel stand-in. And, I’m sure to VeeBee’s disapproval, I don’t feel I’m missing out, not having a Cyclone or (to a lesser extent) Liberty Belle.

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DC Universe Classics Justice Society of America (Old School)

DCUC Justice Society of America 1 (1280x960)

I’ve been snapping some group shots of teams I have on my shelves, and here’s the latest, of my classic Justice Society of America. I had to reconfigure my photo setup (perhaps a post for another time), and one of the results is that I can take pictures of larger groups (and larger figures). I may have missed spring cleaning, but think this is leading up to some shuffling that I need to do to clear some shelf space. But the JSA is likely going to remain on my shelves – I’ve just got a nostalgic soft spot for whose old cross-over stories in the old Justice League of America comics. Mattel has done pretty well by this team – I’ve only got one minor custom, which was a head replacement for Alan Scott (head size for DCUC figures is another post for another time).

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Win a Masters of the Universe Classics Slush Head for your Awesome Jitsu Slogan

I like to give away Free Stuff here at AFP, and this time it’s even for a worthy cause. VeeBee and I were looking at the list of figures from the first three years of the original Masters line, and with the exception of Ram Man, the only other figure that hasn’t been announced is my very own favorite – Jitsu. That is a travesty!

So here’s the deal – create a slogan suitable for a t-shirt extolling the virtues of Jitsu. I’ll pick the one I like best, and send the person who submitted the winning slogan an unopened Masters of the Universe Classics Slush Head. Then I’ll make a Jitsu t-shirt and wear it at least once at every toy show I attend until Mattel announces Jitsu for the Masters of the Universe Classics line.

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