Masters of the Universe Classics Club Eternia – Map of Preternia Viewer

It’s becoming a tradition – each year when the Club Eternia exclusives ship, I publish one of the more popular posts on AFP – the map viewer for the Club Eternia exclusive map. This year, Mattel shipped the Map of Preternia with the club exclusive Shadow Weaver.

  • Position your mouse over areas of the map to magnify it.
  • To zoom in or out, scroll up or down with your mousewheel.

Big thanks again to my wife, who made this possible again this year. Enjoy exploring Preternia, and be sure to visit our previous installments:

Toy Fair 2012 – Masters of the Universe Classics Adds Spikor, Frosta, Snake Men and Sir Laser Lot

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At their Collector Night preview, Mattel introduced a handful of new figures for the Masters of the Universe Classics and 30th Anniversary lines. In the main Masters line, Spikor and the Snake Men 2-Pack will be available in July. Frosta, from the She-Ra cartoon, will be the August figure, but due to production delays will be available in September with the September figure, which is yet to be revealed.

For the 30th Anniversary line, Mattel revealed Sir Laser Lot. Laser Lot is the creation of DC Comics writer Geoff Johns, who is a huge Masters fan. There’s a story floating around that Johns submitted his character concept for Laser Lot with a crayon drawing.

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Toy Fair 2012 – Mattel Collector Night – Toy Guru Video

Mattel held its Collector Night event at New York Toy Fair yesterday, and Scott “Toy Guru” Neitlich was on hand to share the details of all the products they had on display.

Included in the mix were Voltron, DC Universe (including Club Infinite Earths, All-Stars, Young Justice, Action League, Justice League Unlimited, Batman Legacy, and The Dark Knight Rises Movie Masters), Masters of the Universe Classics, WWE, Ghostbusters, Back to the Future, and Cars. Following his presentation, Toy Guru fielded all the questions that the crowd threw his way.

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Toy Fair 2012 – DC Universe Classics Report

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Mattel held its annual Collector Night at New York Toy Fair yesterday, and we were on site to take pictures of the latest and greatest figures to be revealed across their collector-oriented lines. We’ll cover most of that over the next few days, but I did want to post what we has spawned from one of our favorite lines – DC Universe Classics.

So in this update, I’ll be covering the DC Universe Club Infinite Earths subscription, the retail-based DC Universe All-Stars, DC Universe Classics 2-Packs (Toys ‘R Us exclusive), Batman Legacy, and the 6-inchers revealed from the Movie Masters line for The Dark Knight. If you’re a fan of 6-inch DC action figures, there’s still plenty of stuff coming our way this year!

Continue reading “Toy Fair 2012 – DC Universe Classics Report”

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