Masters of the Universe Classics, DC Universe Classics Wave 18, Justice League Unlimited and More On Sale 11/15

It’s a pretty big sale day tomorrow (and for the next couple of weeks) at On the Masters of the Universe Classics front, you’ve got fan favorite Snout Spout and She-Ra’s Swiftwind as the Club Eternia subscription figures. And don’t forget to get Bubble Power She-Ra, who is not part of the sub, if you want a She-Ra that can actually ride Swiftwind. This She-Ra can be combined with the original release for the classic look with updated articulation.

On the DC front, DC Universe Classics Wave 18 is also on sale today as individual figures, and in what I can only characterize as an end of year clearance, Retro Action DC Super Heroes and Justice League Unlimited are out in force. All the JLU 4-packs are priced to move, as long as you can get 9 or more of your closest collector friends in on the deal. 🙂

And for your convenience, here’s the handy dandy link to the bundle page for the November sale.

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Mattel Sneak Peek at 2012 DC Universe All-Stars Relaunch

Mattel provided a tiny sneak peek on at what’s in store for retail in 2012. DC Universe Classics will be relaunched as DC Universe All-Stars, picking up the tag for re-released figures in the Classics line that came with stands instead of Collect and Connect pieces. It’s a fitting name, since we’re seeing a re-release with Batman Beyond and the removal of the Collect and Connect altogether.

We saw Larfleeze at New York Comic Con, but I’m a little surprised at the rest of the line-up here. I had expected one of the big guns in their updated DCnU looks, since Mattel had referenced DCnU back at San Diego Comic-Con when it announced that it would be revamping its retail line. My for-fun-only theory is that these figures were hold-overs from an unofficially themed wave of Geoff Johns-inspired characters (Larfleeze, Superboy Prime in his Anti-Monitor armor, and Flashpoint Plastic Man are all from comics Johns wrote), and that we’ll see DCnU and Jim Lee-inspired costumes in the next wave.

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Trick or Treat?

Hope you scored lots of goodies tonight!

Leave a Halloween comment for a chance at a Masters of the Universe Classics Icarius (aka Flipshot) – our treat to you from the Free Stuff pile at AFP.

(Winner will be selected at random. Continental United States only, please – sorry to the rest of you!)

New York Comic Con 2011 – Mattel Masters of the Universe Classics Panel (Updated)

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Mattel hosted its Masters of the Universe panel earlier today. Because the room was deep in the bowels of the Javits Center, there was no cell phone coverage and consequently no signal for the live broadcast. The upload following the panel also got corrupted, so my apologies if you have been trying to watch the the video. I uploaded the video again, and it’s all better now!

Mattel Presents: Masters of the Universe Classics – Getting Ready to Turn 30!

Speakers: Scott “Toy Guru” Neitlich, The Four Horsemen

2012 will mark the 30th anniversary of the Masters of the Universe toy line and do we have some great collectable toys in store! Head over to get all the latest info on Mattel’s Masters of the Universe Classics line including sneak peaks, a look at the new 2012 Mini Comics and updates on our Create-a-Character contest. Panel includes a live Q & A with Mattel brand manager Scott “Toy Guru” Neitlich and special guests The Four Horsemen.

Continue reading “New York Comic Con 2011 – Mattel Masters of the Universe Classics Panel (Updated)”

New York Comic Con 2011 – Mattel WWE

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Admittedly, Mattel’s WWE line has less of my interest since they’ve put the Legends line on hiatus for 2012. Sure, we’ll still be getting classic WWE superstars mixed in with the regular Basic and Elite lines on a regular basis and the regular Legends releases on, but I suppose my hopes of going to a Toys R Us and finding a Demolition Crush on the shelves are pretty low.

So much for my plan to recreate the full roster of the classic Technos Wrestlefest game from the 90’s! With the Legends released to date, I was short only Crush, Big Boss Man, and Earthquake. 🙂

Continue reading “New York Comic Con 2011 – Mattel WWE”

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