New York Comic Con 2011 – Mattel Masters of the Universe Classics

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Mattel had a booth at Power Con, the He-Man, She-Ra and ThunderCan fan convention, and presented its plans for the Masters of the Universe Classics line. Since this was just three weeks ago, Toy Guru told us that collectors familiar with what they showed at Power Con would see a lot of the same stuff at New York Comic Con.

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New York Comic Con 2011 – Mattel DC Universe Classics

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At San Diego Comic-Con, Mattel announced the start of the Club Infinite Earths subscription for DC Universe Classics and a shift back to more mainstream character mixes for their retail line. A lot of you took this as a harbinger of the demise of DC Universe Classics at retail. The subscription failing to hit the sales target originally set by the Mattel team, was yet another signal of impending doom.

Mattel hopes to set the record straight, showing off new figures for Club Infinite Earths, the retail line, and some more retailer exclusive 2-packs. And, yes, the “last” DC Universe Classics wave in production form, the Nekron Collect and Connect wave. Is it enough to put the collector community at ease? You tell me.

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New York Comic Con 2011 – Mattel Batman Legacy

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In our most recent Ask Matty Q&A, Mattel confirmed that Batman Legacy would continue in 2012, and we got a glimpse of that at their New York Comic Con booth last night. You can say that there’s a definite Catwoman vibe going on, as they showcased two new Catwomen – one from their Arkham City sub-line, and the Golden Age Catwoman in the comic-based sub-line. Mrow!

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Ask Matty Q&A Round-Up for 10/1

We know updates have been pretty sparse here since San Diego Comic-Con – we’ve all been super busy with real life. But I’m booked for a quick trip to New York next week for NYCC – so stay tuned!

Here’s a shout out to @philipjreed for encouraging us to get things started here again. Be sure to check out!

We’re back with the October edition of Ask Matty. Because of New York Comic-Con, Mattel won’t have another Q&A until November. Be sure to send in your questions as we get our coverage of NYCC up, since the next round of questions are due on the 15th.

1) We know we’ll get toys for The Dark Knight Rises, but what are the chances of Batman Legacy or another non-movie Batman line getting some shelf space in 2012?


In 2012, our collector product efforts will focus on Batman Legacy in the Spring, and TDKR Movie Masters once the movie product launches.

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San Diego Comic-Con 2011 – Eric Treadaway Interview

VeeBee and I had the chance to sit down again with Eric Treadaway of the Four Horsemen at San Diego Comic-Con a few weeks back. VeeBee just posted the final part of the interview at the Fwoosh, and you should also out the first, second, and third parts too. As always, it was a fascinating conversation that ran the gamut, including Masters of the Universe Classics, DC Universe Classics, and their own Fantastic Exclusives.

The whole thing provides some great insight into the entire lifecycle of making action figures, but I particularly enjoyed Eric talking about creating his own Masters of the Universe Classics character (in the part one of the interview) as well as some of the background behind the revamping of the DC Universe Classics line in the coming year (in part three), especially with the sub pre-orders coming up shy.

With the total subscriptions for Club Infinite Earths in the pre-order phase closing out at just above 60% of the desired target, and Mattel promising a related announcement this week, I’m really curious to see if Mattel is going to move forward in some way despite missing the target subscription number.

So, what do you think Mattel is going to share with us this week?

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