DC Universe Classics Club Infinite Earths Subscription – Time to Hit It or Quit It


We’re closing in on the final date (8/22) to make Mattel’s DC Universe Classics Subscription Club – Club Infinite Earths – a reality and I thought we should do our part to help keep DCUC going. Unfortunately, I’m not that eloquent – that’s why I contribute here at AFP, where we focus on pics, not words. 🙂

But I have to say, if you’re still on the fence about pulling the trigger on the subscription, there’s plenty of compelling info out there to make someone on the fence consider jumping onboard. I’m very excited about what I hear regarding extra heads, accessories and other pack-ins they will be able to offer in place of C&C parts and the Mattel DC brand team sounds genuinely excited about the possibilities for character selection and execution without the boundaries of retail hampering them.

Here’s some of the items I’ve seen from around the web that I found helpful.

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DC Universe Classics Wal-Mart Exclusive Crime Syndicate Of Amerika Quick Pics

I’ve been traveling a lot over the past two weeks and doing some hunting whenever possible. A couple of days ago, on the way back home from South Carolina, I pulled into a Wal-Mart in Georgia and came face to face with these evil crackers from a fudged up dimension! The problem is, at first glance, you can’t tell they’re evil! Not one of them has a goatee, which any old sci-fi fan knows is the obvious sign of an evil personality from an alternate dimension.

But I digress. So there they were and there was me, looking at them and Owlman looked so good and I caved in and bought ’em. Then Ron caught wind that I had ’em and said; “Get ’em up on AFP, ya slow, lazy bastard!” So here you are, loyal AFP reader, some DCUC CSA Quick Pics to whet your appetite. You’re very welcome. 😛

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Best of San Diego Comic-Con 2011 – Sandman

Another Comic-Con has passed us by, so it is time for us to pick our “Best in Show” this year! I’ve gotta do a top three since I have trouble just picking one!

3) Number three goes to Hasbro’s Marvel Legends Wave 2 Build-a-Figure Arnim Zola!


I have to admit, I’m not super familiar with the character, but I love the way he turned out! C’mon, how can you not love a guy with his face on his chest?  I see Arnim as a sign of great things to come from the revamped ML. I guess you can say I’m generally excited with the return of Marvel Legends, period. The fact that the Arnim Zola wave (wave 2) will include Bucky Cap and some Wrecking Crew members just adds to the excitement of it all! I do hope they start innovating and improving some of the standard Marvel Legends bucks moving forward (just like Thor!), it’s the perfect time to do so too with the popularity of Marvel (due to the upcoming movies) riding high for the next couple of years!

>> See more Marvel Legends coverage

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San Diego Comic-Con 2011 – Mattel Masters of the Universe Classics Club Eternia and 30th Anniversary


Mattel announced at their Mattypalooza panel yesterday that Club Eternia would continue and that they’d be adding even more Masters of the Universe Classics figures to the store via the 30th Anniversary figures. So in addition to Bubble Power She-Ra and the Windraider this year, He-Man fans will still have more figures to buy outside of the “all-in” subscription.

I’m pressed for time to get back to the show floor, so here’s the pics!

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San Diego Comic-Con 2011 – Mattel DC Universe Classics Wave 20 and Club Infinite Earths


At Mattel’s DC Universe panel yesterday, they announced pretty nonchalantly that wave 20 of DC Universe Classics would be the last at retail and that they are launching (if they meet the pre-sales target) a direct to consumer subscription on MattyCollector.com called Club Infinite Earths. After the initial shock, it  became more clear that this was *not* the end of DC Universe Classics, but rather that Mattel was taking advantage of the DCnU reboot at DC Comics to refresh the retail line.

A little more on that with the pics, and we’ll get to even more detail when we talk to the Four Horsemen and the Mattel team before the show closes.

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