I’ve become a big zombie fan. I love Shaun of the Dead, play Left 4 Dead a couple times a week, and have pre-ordered Left4Dead 2 so I’ll have it when it comes out next month. Zombie Mez-Itz will go great with the Mez-Itz Hellboy and the Mez-Itz Wolfman, and a 10% discount is just the icing on the brains.
Now if I could only convince my wife to see Zombieland…
Mezco’s Zombie Mez-Itz Help Support Undead In Frozen North
ThinkGeek Exclusive Zombie Mez-Itz
The zombies are coming, and they want you to volunteer. No, not to be eaten, but to participate in their walk. Actually, being zombies, it is technically more of a “shuffle”, but the concept is the same. Mezco will be helping to support the Zombie walk by supplying goodie bags to 150 participants, as well as giving a 10% discount to all zombies using the secret code BRAINS on orders at the Mezco Direct website*.
Mezco’s new limited edition of Zombie Mez-Itz are now available exclusively at ThinkGeek.com
with a black and white “classic” Zombie variant available at exclusively at Mezco Direct
They are limited to 500 and 108 pieces respectively.
The Comox Valley Zombie Walk will meet at 4:30 pm on Halloween (Oct 31) on the corner of 5th and Fitzgerald St. Courtenay, British Columbia, Canada. They will shuffle down 5th street and finish the walk at 6:00 pm, and enter Joe’s Garage for an after party to eat, give away prizes, and partake in general zombie festivities.
The first ever Zombie Walk was held in August, 2001 in Sacramento, California and has since become an annual event. In 2007, the Toronto Zombie Walk drew a crowd of well over 1,100 zombies, a number confirmed by Toronto Police Services. This was the largest Zombie Walk on record at the time.
Any zombies interested in participating in the Comox Valley Zombie Walk are urged to contact walk organizer and Chief Zombie, Zach at comoxvalleyzombiewalk@gmail.com or visit Facebook
*[discount only applies to instock items, not pre-orders. Code must be enterer at time order is placed and cannot be used retroactively. Discount only applies to merchandise, not to shipping or taxes.]
If you guys read my review of Mezco’s Comic Book Hellboy, you know what a kickass vinyl figure he is. Mezco has just announced a variant, featuring Hellboy in a black BPRD shirt. Looks like this one also has a completely closed mouth instead of gritted teeth, and I’m starting to wonder if people will mix and match heads like they did when the first movie Hellboy figures with all the open and closed mouth variants came out. We just need a variant open Right Hand of Doom to make the experience complete!
The original Comic Book Hellboy was available at San Diego Comic-Con and is backordered at Mezco Direct, but I haven’t found a listing for this guy yet. Will update when I do.
Mez-Itz Comic Book Hellboy Variant -Revealed At SDCC2009- Now Available
Mez-Itz Comic Hellboy Variant
Mezco’s beloved Mez-Itz return in a larger six inch form. These newly resized creations are the hot new item in the world of designer vinyl for 2009. Based on the artwork of Mike Mignola, this limited edition Hellboy Mez-Itz captures the essence of the comic book Hellboy from his sawed-off horns to his posable tail. Standing six inches tall, with six points of articulation, this limited edition variant figures comes complete with Hellboy’s legendary gun, the Samaritan, and features the famous BPRD (Bureau Of Paranormal Research And Defense) logo on his shirt.
Mezco Mez-Itz He-Man and Skeletor Customs by Airmax and SpyMagician
In their original incarnation, Mezco Mez-Itz were 3-inch mini-figures they produced for their licensed properties, like Aliens and Dick Tracy, and some original creations, like Pirate Mez-Itz. I know I have some of the older Hellboy and Predator Mez-Itz around here somewhere – most likely they’ve been gobbled up in my wife’s growing collection of designer figures.
To promote the launch of the new Mez-Itz, Mezco invited customizers and designers from the toy industry to make some customized Mez-Itz. Their creations were collected into an art show and also shown at San Diego Comic-Con. In addition to the He-Man by Airmax and Skeletor by SpyMagician (shown above), be on the lookout for entries from Iron Cow, Joshua Izzo, Eddie Wires and more.
Mezco Mez-Itz - Comic Book Hellboy will shoot you in the face!
You know what? I wanted to take some pictures of the Mezco Mez-Itz Comic Book Hellboy that’s exclusive to San Diego Comic-Con and their online store because I thought it would be a simple review. After all, it’s a vinyl figure, right? With vinyl, you plunk them down on a shelf, you dust them off once in a while, and that’s about it.
Not so with this guy. As you’ll see, there’s more to this figure than you might be expecting. I was certainly surprised.
Mezco has sent over new pictures of it’s Mez-Itz Hellboy that’s an exclusive this summer for San Diego Comic-Con and the Mezco online store. Mez-Itz have grown up – at six inches Hellboy will match up nicely in both style and size with some other vinyl offerings, like Hasbro’s Mighty Muggs, but will be a bit undersized when compared with Dark Horse’s eight-inch Hellboy Qee.
Mez-Itz Comic Book Hellboy
Mezco Mez-Itz Hellboy
Mezco’s beloved Mez-Itz return in a larger six inch form. These newly resized creations are the hot new item in the world of designer vinyl for 2009. Based on the artwork of Mike Mignola, this limited edition Hellboy Mez-Itz captures the essence of the comic book Hellboy from his sawed-off horns to his posable tail. Standing six inches tall, with six points of articulation, this limited edition figures comes complete with Hellboy’s legendary gun, the Samaritan.