It’s no secret that I’m a big fan of what Mezco has done with its One:12 Collective line – and that’s having held just one production figure in hand. I’m psyched to get Judge Dredd when he becomes available later this year, but I’m even more pumped that Mezco is making an in-scale Lawmaster for him to ride down perps.
I went back to the Mezco booth yesterday to shoot a fly-by of the Lawmaster. Enjoy!
No offense to Living Dead Doll collectors, but when that was the bulk of what Mezco was making, it was a far cry from those heady days when Hellboy comic and movie figures were dominating my shelves. But with their recent license acquisitions, coupled with setting a new bar for mixed media action figures in the 6-inch scale, Mezco is back, baby!
Today I got a closer look at the One:12 scale Batman and Judge Dredd, the Mortal Kombat X figures, and some upcoming figures for Breaking Bad.
Mezco is holding a pre-Toy Fair preview this morning (sadly, I can’t be there) and teased this on their Facebook page – the Mutant Leader from The Dark Knight Returns, for their One:12 Collective line. I think Buzzy Fret put it best when he emailed me early this morning: “Holy crap!!”
Can’t wait to see what else they have in store for us this year – we’ll get a closer look at Toy Fair in just a little over a week.
“You don’t get it boy…this isn’t a mud-hole…it’s an operating table. And I’m the surgeon.”
Just gearing up for our Pre ToyFair Event tomorrow, enjoy!
Their Hellboy action figures made me a big fan, but Mezco had a bit of a lull after The Golden Army wasn’t as much of a commercial hit as the original movie, stalling both their movie and comic book lines. But they’ve been hitting all the right marks recently with the One:12 Collective, and now this announcement of a licensing deal with Warner Bros. for Bugs Bunny.
I’m hoping this is just the tip of the carrot (I know, sorry!) – Looney Tunes has such a wealth of characters that the possibilities are staggering. Just the other day, I was searching for a Marvin the Martian action figure to give my wife – there’s some older stuff on eBay, but I think I’ll wait to see what Mezco has in store. What’s up, Doc?