If you’re looking for a fun and easy way to customize some Minimates for Halloween, or any horrific occasion, check out these unique customizing kits from Luke’s Toy Store. A while ago, I reviewed a set of Luke’s Minimates Dioramas – and his products are really high quality, top notch stuff.

Skeleton Lords Minimates are being unearthed at Luke’s Toy Store!
Luke’s latest sticker and decal kits are arriving just in time for Halloween! The Skeleton Lords Sticker Kit and Decal Kit will allow you to raise an army of the undead to add to your Minimates collection. There are 10 unique characters in this kit, and for the first time ever they are not geared towards any particular base minimates. This leaves you free to build a skeleton army of your choice, mixing and matching pieces as you go. Each kit includes a second set of stickers or decals, so you could potentially make 20 new customs from this kit! The characters are based on common minimate colors like white, black, red, blue, and green, so you shouldn’t have any trouble matching these decals to some of your spare minimates.
And now the big question: Stickers or Decals? Decals are slightly thinner than stickers, and they more closely match the gloss of Minimate plastic. Stickers are easier to apply than decals, and less time consuming. The nice thing about the stickers is that the top-of-head stickers included in this kit will cover up any holes in the heads of your existing minimates. So both kits have their advantages – the choice is up to you!
Read more about the Skeleton Lords Sticker Kit and Decal Kit at Luke’s Toy Store here: http://lukestoystore.com/exclusives.html