Iron Man 2 Minimates Packaged Pics

I’m not sure if Art Asylum had previously revealed that the final black silhouetted Iron Man would be the Mark V armor.  I am usually not a fan of movie-oriented figures, but Iron Man 2 may be too hard to resist.

Whoooosh! Iron Man 2 Packaging is HERE!

Oh yeah… these puppies just flew into the office today. I’m in Iron Man 2 Heaven!


2-pks are:

  • The unstoppable duo: Mark V Iron Man and War Machine
  • The Polarizing duo: Mark IV Iron Man and Whiplash
  • The HOT duo (wha?): James Rhodes in Mark II Armor and  Black Widow

Toys R Us Exclusives!:

  • Senate Hearing Tony Stark and Mark I Iron Man

Get ‘em in stores and make your own matches!

via Art Asylum Blog » Whoooosh! Iron Man2 Packaging is HERE!.

Marvel Minimates Series 32 – Iron Man, Titanium Man, Cable, X-23, Yellowjacket, Goliath, and Kree Soldiers

I am in love with Art Asylum’s Marvel Minimates. Yes I am. I have always seen these guys in my local comic book shop and at Toys R Us, I always thought they looked interesting, but I never gave in to buying them. When I saw the Series 28 Deadpool, I was so impressed with the detail and the wealth of accessories that I decided to pick him up. Open the floodgates. I was an official Minimates collector. I know I’ll never be a completist with this line starting so late, but I do notice that Art Asylum has been updating some of the previous Marvel characters they have done before. So there’s still a chance to catch up on some characters that I’ve missed!

Today we’ll have a look at Series 32. If you’re a die-hard Minimates fan, you’ve probably picked these guys up already as they came out around January. For the curious, read on and see if Minimates are something you’d be into!

Series 32 includes four sets: Iron Man and Titanium Man, Cable and X-23, Yellowjacket and Kree Soldier, and the variant set of Goliath and Kree Soldier.

Continue reading “Marvel Minimates Series 32 – Iron Man, Titanium Man, Cable, X-23, Yellowjacket, Goliath, and Kree Soldiers”

Mini-Figure Broken Wall and Broken Window Dioramas

Minimate Broken Wall and Broken Window Dioramas

Luke’s Toy Store, who started a sponsorship campaign with us at the start of the year, sent over a set of their Mini-Figure Dioramas, including the Broken Wall and Broken Window sets.  I told Luke before he dropped the package in the mail that I’d be speaking my mind, and he was fine with that.  So let’s take a look!

Minimate Broken Wall and Broken Window Dioramas - packaged (1024x1024).jpgMinimate Broken Wall and Broken Window Dioramas - contents (1023x1024).jpgMinimate Broken Window Diorama - stickers (1024x768).jpg

I wasn’t sure what to expect in terms of packaging and contents – Luke’s is a family-run business – but I was impressed with what I received.  Each diorama was packed in a ziplock bag with a heavy cardstock four-color label depicting the final product.  Inside, the parts of the diorama and an instruction sheet, again printed clearly on heavy cardstock.

Continue reading “Mini-Figure Broken Wall and Broken Window Dioramas”

DST Announces C2E2 and Con Exclusive Iron Man Minimates

Diamond Select Toys is throwing their weight behind C2E2 with an exclusive Iron Man Minimates 2-pack.  The innaugural Chicago Comic & Entertainment Expo will run April 16 – 18.  They also revealed an Iron Man Minimates 4-pack exclusive to Action Figure Xpress for the convention season – this set will be available at C2E2, San Diego, and NYCC.

DST Unleashes C2E2 Plans & Exclusives!

With the dawn of a new decade comes another exciting year of comic book and pop culture fan gatherings – and 2010 is already shaping up to be one of the biggest and best convention seasons on record!  With both the San Diego Comic Con and New York Comic Con events already on the schedule for July and October respectively, we’re excited to announce our attendance at what is sure to be the largest and most extravagant convention in the Midwest – the first annual Chicago Comic & Entertainment Expo – C2E2!

Operated by convention veterans Reed Exhibitions (of New York Comic Con fame) and housed in downtown Chicago’s spacious McCormick Place, C2E2 is already shaping up to be one of the year’s premier shows thanks to an all-star guest list, special event programming and a host of convention exclusives – including two from Diamond Select Toys!

DST’s exclusive delivers two of the stars of this spring’s upcoming blockbuster Iron Man 2 in Minimate form!  The Iron Man 2 Stark Expo Minimates Two-Pack will only be available at this show and features Robert Downey Jr’s Tony Stark and Scarlett Johannson’s Natalie Romanova as they appear during the fictional Stark Expo event.  Each Minimate two-pack will retail at the show for $8.00.

No caption.No caption.

A second convention exclusive will also be available through Action Figure Xpress in the form of the Iron Man 2 Battle Tactics Minimates Box Set.  This con-only set includes battle damaged versions of both Iron Man and War Machine plus Racecar Tony Stark and the first-ever Iron Man 2 Nick Fury!

As always, DST will have personnel manning the booth to interact with fans and showcase upcoming releases – including a few surprises like our daily 2010 C2E2 Minimate giveaway!  Stay tuned for more updates and programming announcements as this monumental geek event approaches!

via Diamond Select Toys & Collectibles.

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