CC30: Minimates – Crayonmates by Jeff Boyd

What happens when you take the greatest tool of kid’s art and combine it with a popular 2-inch block figure? You get colorful, poseable, collectible fun! Presenting Crayonmates – a new line from Diamond Select Toys, a Certain Unnamed Crayon Company and Waxy Buildup Toys.

By combining the playability of the Minimate body with the bright, friendly colors of traditional crayons, Crayonmates is a figure line that kids and collectors can’t resist. And while you can’t actually draw with them, each Crayonmate will come with a matching crayon for real coloring action.

Crayonmates will be available in two different box sets. The first set features the primary colors – Red, Yellow and Blue – with a bonus Brown Crayonmate.

The second set has the secondary colors – Green, Orange and Purple – with a special Pink Crayonmate.

And don’t miss the Toys R’ Us exclusive two-pack of Black and White Crayonmates!

NAME: Jeff Stephens




Each Crayonmate is made from a repainted Minimate, with a new custom crayon tip made from Magic Sculpt added to their heads. Their colors were carefully blended to match actual crayons. The Crayonmates then got water-transfer decal stripes for the final crayon-like touch.

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CC30: Marvel Minimates Guardians of the Galaxy by Brian Felgar

The longest-running comic-based toy line in history heads for the stars! This special cosmic-themed wave of Marvel Minimates features a collection of spacefaring heroes ready to defend Earth from the Badoon and other threats from across the cosmos – the Guardians of the Galaxy!

Continue reading “CC30: Marvel Minimates Guardians of the Galaxy by Brian Felgar”

New York Comic Con 2011 – Bif Bang Pow!, Funko, and Toys R Us Exclusives at Entertainment Earth

Entertainment Earth will be at New York Comic Con for the first time this year. They’re continuing their partnership with Toys R Us, so in addition to the Bif Bang Pow! and Funko exclusives, they will also have some of the TRU items, like Minimates, Real Ghostbusters, and an exclusive Rick Grimes from the Walking Dead line of figures from McFarlane.

Continue reading “New York Comic Con 2011 – Bif Bang Pow!, Funko, and Toys R Us Exclusives at Entertainment Earth”

Halo Minimates Wave 2 Packaged Pics

Halo is such a great fit for the Minimate format. Glad to see more coming!

Halo Wave 2 Minimates are here

Following up on the huge success of Halo Minimates series 1 comes Halo Minimates series 2! Toys R Us will have 2 packs featuring Emile and Jun, Spartan ODST (Blue) and Arbiter (Active Camo), Spartan (Active Camo) and Elite Assault (Blue), and Spartan(Green) with Jackal Major (Violet Shield).

Specialty stores will have an exclusive 4 pack featuring Spartan(Teal), Spartan Rogue (Green), Brute Chieftan, and Jackal Major (Red Shield).

via Art Asylum Blog » Halo Wave 2 Minimates are here.

Marvel Minimates Series 38 Packaged Pics

Diamond Select Toys announced Marvel Minimates Series 38 back in November. Here are their packaged pics. I am still planning on picking up the modern Iron Fist. In fact, I’d love to see an Immortal Iron Fist wave or two.

Marvel Minimates series 38

The Marvel Minimates just keep on coming! Series 38 is based on the “Shadowland” story line and includes Evil Daredevil and Elektra, Big Time Spider-Man and Iron Fist, White Tiger or Classic White Tiger and a Hand Ninja. Look for them at your local comic shop.

via Art Asylum Blog » Marvel Minimates series 38.

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