This weekend I saw that Netflix added He-Man and the Masters of the Universe (all 130 episodes!), so I watched the first, The Cosmic Comet. There’s a scene in which Skeletor and Evil-Lyn scheme away, with Skeletor’s face filling the left side of the frame with Evil-Lyn visible over his shoulder. Thinking that it would be a good picture to recreate with the Masters of the Universe Classics Skeletor and Evil-Lyn, I tried – but could not. With the extreme closeup of Skeletor, I couldn’t set up my camera to keep both his face and Evil-Lyn in focus.
No problem! With Photoshop, I knew I could combine the elements I wanted from a few different pictures to get the composition I wanted. Best of all, it’s easy. Here’s what I did – you can use similar techniques to put together images that you normally couldn’t with a single shot from an ordinary camera.
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