Hasbro Teases Power Rangers Basic Figures and Zords

Since Hasbro acquired the license to Saban’s Power Rangers in May last year, fans have been eagerly anticipating the first reveals of their upcoming toy lines. In August, they teased the Lightning Collection – a premium line of action figures – with a reveal of Tommy Oliver, the White Ranger. Since then, they’ve been relatively quiet on the figure front.

But with Toy Fair coming up next week, and more toys due to hit shelves this Spring, Hasbro has unveiled its Basic line and a pair of Zords – these figures are targeted at the Power Rangers’ younger fans. We hope to see more of the collector-oriented Lightning Collection at Hasbro’s Fan Media Briefing next weekend. Stay tuned!

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SDCC 2015: Toys R Us Hosts Exclusives from Bandai, Hasbro, Mattel and More

SDCC 2015 Toys R Us Exclusives - Star Wars, Batgirl, and Power Rangers

Toy R Us is renewing its attempt to woo collectors by establishing a “Collector Vector” shop within both its traditional and online stores, and participating in San Diego Comic-Con with ten exclusives from a variety of toy manufacturers. While I’m doing fewer traditional toy runs now, I’ve been to my local TRU recently and have not noticed any change – but online they’ve established a Collector Vector search grouping that currently includes over 200 products and a landing page for their Con exclusives.

While I think TRU will continue to struggle to differentiate itself with collectors, the Con exclusives will help drive some traffic their way. The list includes the Yvonne Craig Batgirl from the ’60s Batman show (thankfully individually-carded and not in a 3-pack with Batman and Robin), a Star Wars Black Series Rancor set in the 3.75-inch scale, a Power Rangers exclusive, and more. They’ll be available at the Entertainment Earth booth (#2343) at the show and online at Toysrus.com/ComicConvention from Thursday, July 9 through Sunday, July 12, while supplies last, of course.

It’s an impressive list of exclusives – TRU may be on the decline, but they still have some sway with the toy companies.

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Weekend Toy Run: Black Friday / Cyber Monday Online Toy Deals Round-Up (Updated)

Want to avoid the crowds on Black Friday, or resting your feet after spending all night at the stores? Kick back, relax, and shop for Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals from the comfort of your home (or wherever you may be visiting from)!

I apologize in advance for any duds – I haven’t had the chance to check all of these out myself. But what else are we gonna do today? 😀 Hope you had a great Thanksgiving!

SDCC 2014: Bluefin Tamashii Nations, Part 2

Here are more pics from Bluefin Tamashii Nations’ booth at SDCC 2014:



I’ve never played the game, but I’m lovin’ the look of this Injustice Batman! They also had Injustice Joker on display. Both figures come with new exclusive accessories, a mask for Batman and a gas mask for Joker.

They also were teasing silhouettes of Injustice Superman and Harley Quinn.

Continue reading “SDCC 2014: Bluefin Tamashii Nations, Part 2”

Giant 31-Inch Action Figures for $25 at Walmart.com’s Cyber Monday

For $25, I don’t think this Walmart Cyber Monday deal for 31-inch action figures is the best deal ever, but they do have the BEST PRODUCT PICS ever. That’s gotta be worth something! 😀

Giant 31-inch Action Figure - Superman Giant 31-inch Action Figure - Batman Giant 31-inch Action Figure - Darth Vader

Your Choice Giant 31″ Action Figure – from $24.97

  • Superman Man of Steel Giant 31″ Action Figure
  • Power Rangers Mega Force Giant 31″ Red Ranger Action Figure
  • My Size Star Wars Darth Vader Action Figure
  • Superman Man of Steel 31″ Action Figure
  • Batman Giant 31″ Action Figure
  • Star Wars Utapau Clone Trooper 31″ Action Figure

via Your Choice Giant 31″ Action Figure: Action Figures : Walmart.com.

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