Hasbro is conducting the G.I. Joe Q&As a little differently now, and we’re still trying to figure it out. We get to submit three questions, and then they send us answers to one or more of them (we got two answered and Fwoosh got one). After a few days, they send us the questions and answers from all the sites.
We expected to get the answer to our unanswered questions (we asked about Matt Trakker), but that wasn’t included in the full list, so maybe the round-up only includes the answered questions. Confused? We are too. In any case, here’s the AFP questions again, followed by the questions and answers from the other sites.
1) We’re psyched to get two new Sgt. Slaughters at San Diego Comic-Con, but you’ve whetted our appetites for more classicly-styled figures. Will the Pursuit of Cobra figures incorporate any classic-styled designs, or will figures be styled only according to the four different environment themes?

Thanks, we’re glad the fan response has been so positive for the Sgt. Slaughter exclusives! The Pursuit of Cobra will focus on the four environment themes but we will try and sneak in some classic elements. We can reveal more at JoeCon!
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