SDCC 2013: More Four Horsemen Pics

Screaming American Eagle 1 Screaming American Eagle 2

Update: The Four Horsemen’s Gothitropolis Ravens Kickstarter project is still on a tear. Backers unlocked the secret figure yesterday morning – a screaming American Eagle. Eric Treadaway and Cornboy said that they didn’t think the project would get this far this fast. They said they had to put in an emergency call to the studio to prep the Eagle. In their haste, the figure shown has two left hands, but they say this will be corrected!

More pics from the Four Horsemen booth.

Really love the Kickstarter Gothitropolis Raven stuff!

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SDCC 2013: Hasbro Marvel Panel Reveals Instapics

Here’s some quick pics from the Hasbro Marvel booth after their panel at San Diego Comic-Con.

[instapress tag=”afpsdcc2013hmp” piccount=”0″ size=”150″ effect=”fancybox”]

I am on the show floor at San Diego Comic-Con. To get you the pics you want as fast as I can, I’m hooking you into my Instagram feed. If you’re on Instagram, follow me at afpron – that’s for AFP Ron, not AF Pron :). Stay tuned for better pictures soon.

SDCC 2013: Hasbro Marvel Universe Rebranded to the Marvel Movies

Hasbro Marvel Movie Legends (5 of 12) Hasbro Marvel Movie Legends (1 of 12)

After 6 years running with the Marvel Universe brand, in 2014 Hasbro will be refreshing both its Marvel Universe and Marvel Legends lines. During the Hasbro Marvel panel, Hasbro revealed that next year, Marvel Universe will be rebranded to the Avengers, while Legends will be aligned with the Marvel movies during the year.

The Hasbro Marvel team revealed two of three movies that would carry the Legends line forward: Captain America and Spider-Man. Presumably the third will be Guardians of the Galaxy, although Hasbro is still staying mum.

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SDCC 2013: Hasbro Marvel Panel Video

Hasbro Marvel Universe 2014 (from Panel)

Hasbro held its Marvel panel yesterday afternoon, featuring Adam Biehl, Dwight Stall, and Maalvika Mantripragada from the Hasbro Marvel team, and Jesse Falcon from Marvel licensing. They elaborate on the plans touched upon during our interview with Adam and Dwight for the Marvel Universe brand (that encompasses the Legends 6-inch and Universe 3.75-inch lines) – those plans include a brand refresh and new options for distribution.

Some new figure prototypes revealed during the panel will be in the Hasbro Marvel booth today, so stay tuned for some Instapics.

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SDCC 2013: Interview with Hasbro’s Marvel Team

Hasbro Marvel Diorama (2 of 12)

Sandman and I met with Adam Biehl (Vice President, Global Marvel Line at Hasbro) and Dwight Stall (Senior Marvel Product Design Manager, Hasbro) today for a brief conversation about Marvel Legends and the related 6-inch Marvel action figure lines. We talked about the health and direction of the Marvel lines, issues with distribution and the fate of running change variants, and more.

This was a great lead-in to the Hasbro Marvel panel, which we will be posting in full later this morning.

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