It’s been a long road traveled for the Four Horsemen’s highly successful Gothitropolis Ravens Kickstarter project, and the finish line is in sight. I talked to Cornboy at Preview Night, and although it was tough going, working with three separate factories to get through the pantographing to tooling to painted prototypes, but the 4H are very happy that the quality of the factory samples is meeting their exacting standards.
SDCC 2014: Mezco Returns with One:12 Collective Super-Articulated Action Figures
Mezco is my early pick for best in show, with its 1/12 scale, super-articulated action figures. The first figures planned for the multi-license line will be three versions of Batman from Frank Miller’s Dark Knight Returns. Mez was particularly excited to get to make the DKR Bats, which has cloth apps in the 6-inch scale, allowing the line to sail through some crowded licensing waters.
The Batman Dark Knight Returns figures on display are factory samples, so they’re looking pretty good. Mez says there’s still some paint tweaks to be done. With the complexity of the line (around 32 points of articulation with cloth apps in this scale), they’re hoping to get the figures out by 4th quarter this year. Next year, they’re hoping for a figure every other month or so. This will span licenses, which (spoiler) will include Judge Dredd with his Lawmaster… Sign me up!
SDCC 2014: Hasbro Marvel Legends Preview Night
For those of you wondering what’s in store for Marvel Legends for the rest of this year, it’s going to be limited to retailer exclusives until new waves for the Avengers and Spider-Man hit shelves in first quarter next year. On preview night, we got a glimpse at the previously announced X-Men Legends wave that is exclusive to Previews.
The only thing new I spotted in the case is a three-pack that will be exclusive to Target this fall, containing Captain America (a rehash of the Ultimate Cap with harness instead of vest), Ms. Marvel (in her Warbird costume on the Moonstone body), and Radioactive Man. The good news here is that some of those figures from the Jubilee wave that never made it to mass market retail are starting to make it to shelves.
Continue reading “SDCC 2014: Hasbro Marvel Legends Preview Night”
Hot Toys Hypes the Guardians of the Galaxy Leading into SDCC 2014
We’ve been relaxing before the madness of San Diego Comic-Con (we’re on our way down south shortly), but I couldn’t leave without posting some awesome updates from Hot Toys with my most anticipated movie for this summer – Guardians of the Galaxy. The Guardians of the Galaxy movie premiere was this past Monday, and while I intentionally haven’t read a lot about it, I’ve heard the press screenings have been very well received. Hype building… too much!
On the other hand, I’ve not gotten enough of the press pics of the upcoming Hot Toys figures for Guardians. A few days back, Hot Toys posted pics for three pre-orders – Rocket Raccoon, Groot, and a special 2-pack set with Rocket and Groot – all available at Sideshow Toys. I’ll do my best to resist the 2-pack, which comes with an alternate angry head sculpt for Groot. “Hroom, hm, come, my friends. The Ents are going to war.” I meant, “I am Groot!”
And to top it off, they also teased Star-Lord, who should be present at the Sideshow booth at SDCC 2014. I hope Gamora and Drax show up too. Read on for more of Rocket, Groot, and Star-Lord, and come back tonight for Preview Night coverage!
Continue reading “Hot Toys Hypes the Guardians of the Galaxy Leading into SDCC 2014”
Marvel Legends Agent Venom Exclusive Available to Pre-Order at
A month ago, Hasbro revealed that the Marvel Legends Agent Venom figure would be released as a Walgreen’s exclusive. Originally shown in the Hasbro SDCC display last year, they said Venom would finally be available to pre-order at SDCC this year – and while we weren’t sure exactly how, now we know. The Agent Venom is now up for pre-order on the Walgreen’s website.
- Spider Man Marvel Legends Infinite Series Agent Venom Figure – $19.99 – Release Date: 10/15/14
Get your pre-order in now – no telling when this will sell out.