Soapbox Sunday: Mattel SDCC Exclusive DC Universe Classics Doomsday Bound to be a Disappointment

Mattycollector Club Eternia Doomsday Comparison

Shortly after Club Infinite Earth failed to meet the minimums to make another year of DC Universe Classics figures on Mattycollector, we Asked Matty if the Doomsday Unleashed figure could be considered as a San Diego Comic-Con exclusive for 2014. Basically, Mattel said no. But after New York Comic Con, we’ve got another angle – they won’t make the “unleashed” version, but they’re “far enough along” with the “bound” or jail-suit version to offer him up for SDCC next July.

During the NYCC Mattypalooza panel, when Toy Guru announced the plans for the jail-suit version of Doomsday, he noted that this particular version of Doomsday has never been made into a figure before. Maybe Mattel should have considered the reasons why. I’m betting that the vast majority of collectors would prefer the unleashed version, and that if Mattel proceeds with their current plan for the jail-suit version, it’s bound to be a disappointment for fans, and for their SDCC sales.

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NYCC 2013: Play Imaginative Super Alloy DC Comics New 52 Justice League Update

NYCC 2013 - Play Imaginative Super Alloy DC Comics New 52 Justice League (1 of 15)

For the first time in recent memory since Art Asylum produced Minimates for Marvel and DC, Play Imaginative holds licenses for both of the major comic book companies. On the DC front, they are producing Super Alloy diecast figures in 1/6 for the New 52 Justice League. In San Diego, we saw everything up through the new Green Lantern. Here in NY, Yes Anime (Play Imaginative’s US distributor) also brought along Cyborg and Flash.

Folks who pre-ordered Superman around SDCC – Yes Anime reports that after a delay in Singapore, Play Imaginative will be delivering in the next couple of weeks. For NYCC, they had air-shipped about 10 of the Supes for sale at the show. The rest are coming by sea. They were a bit vague on the reasons behind the delay (Superman was expected to ship in the August time frame), suggesting that it was perhaps to put a more powerful fan in the Fortress base and for some resculpting of the Superman heads.

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NYCC 2013: Mattel Reveals 2014 Updates for DC and Masters of the Universe at Mattypalooza (Video)

NYCC 2013 - Mattypalooza - Robot Faker Reveal

Mattycollector front man Toy Guru, accompanied by Cornboy and Eric Treadaway from the Four Horsemen, updated New York Comic Con attendees with Mattel’s collector-oriented plans for 2014. For their healthiest line, Masters of the Universe Classics, it was business as usual, but with Stan Lee’s Comikaze in a couple of weeks, the reveals were at a minimum – Flogg from New Adventures and a tease of Robot Faker. On the fan vote for New Adventures 2015, Mara won – no big surprise, as I’m sure many people who did vote but didn’t care about New Adventures just went for the female character.

On the DC front, the four revealed figures for the failed 2014 Club Infinite Earths sub will be released as day of figures quarterly, with the jail-suited Doomsday as a SDCC 2014 exclusive. I have a hard time understanding the jail suit over the infinitely better “unleashed” version – I can’t believe that the better sales numbers that version would yield didn’t justify the increased tooling.

And there’s more – check out our video of the panel. We missed a small portion when the recording hit the limit, but that was just Two Bad and Glimmer, and you’ve seen them before, right?

Continue reading “NYCC 2013: Mattel Reveals 2014 Updates for DC and Masters of the Universe at Mattypalooza (Video)”

NYCC 2013: Mattypalooza Booth Updates

Our video update of the Mattypalooza panel at New York Comic-Con is coming up. In the meantime, here’s some quick pics of Mattel’s booth after the panel.

[instapress tag=”afpnycc2013mattyp” piccount=”0″ size=”150″ effect=”fancybox”]

The DC Universe Classics sub lives – kind of. Doomsday is an SDCC exclusive – kind of. Total Heroes will satisfy fans with Mattycollector offerings – kind of. I’ll try to be a glass half full guy from now on – kind of. For Masters of the Universe Classics, it’s Extendar and Flogg steaming up the display cabinets. Toy Guru is holding firm on the no Unnamed One reveal until he shows up on your doorstep (if you subbed!)

To get you the pics you want as fast as I can, I’m hooking you into my Instagram feed. If you’re on Instagram, follow me at afpron – that’s for AFP Ron, not AF Pron :). Stay tuned for better pictures soon.

Weekend Toy Run: AFP Toys for Tots Auction for SDCC Star Wars Black Series Boba Fett

2013 SDCC STAR WARS BLACK SERIES Boba Fett_packaging front 2013 SDCC STAR WARS BLACK SERIES Boba Fett_packaging back 2013 SDCC STAR WARS BLACK SERIES Boba Fett_packaging interior1

Normally, when I have some extra goodies available I’d put them up for a Free Stuff giveaway, because it’s a great way to generate publicity for AFP. I happen to have one of the exclusive Star Wars Black Series Boba Fett, with Han Solo in carbonite here. I was lucky enough to pick one up for myself at SDCC, but when I saw them available on HasbroToyShop, I put in an order for two more. The idea was that I’d be able to get them to get them to collectors that weren’t as lucky.

One of them went to SpyMagician from Spy Monkey Creations (check out their Weaponeers of Monkaa). The other was going to go to another friend, but he managed to pick one up on his own. And while I also had it available to trade for awhile, I decided, given the rarity of the figure, to try something different. So I have Boba Fett and his Han Solo paper weight up on eBay, with a portion of the proceeds going to Toys for Tots.

It’s up with a penny starting bid, no reserve, and free shipping (U.S. only – sorry, international fans). Toys for Tots will get 25% of the proceeds right from the closing price, set up directly through eBay. The way I’ve planned it, if it closes for around what they’re going for right now, then Toys for Tots will get little chunk of change, I’ll cover the cost of the figure and the shipping and eBay fees, and a collector will get a hard-to-find exclusive. Of course, it could also go horribly wrong – but even if it goes for cheap, it’ll still be in a collector’s hands, much like if I did a Free Stuff giveaway – so that wouldn’t be so bad either.

So if you’re still looking for the SDCC exclusive Boba Fett, or just looking to help out Toys for Tots, please consider making a bid. For more pics, check out Sandman’s Boba Fett Quick Pics from SDCC. Thanks, and have a great weekend!

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