Mattel and the Four Horsemen Provide Post-SDCC Mattycollector Updates

Mattel and Four Horsemen post-SDCC updates

The folks at Mattycollector and the Four Horsemen have provided some post-SDCC updates. Mattel provided the words, and the 4H have posted a bunch of pics – we’ve combined them here.

For the tl;dr version, the three subs (Collector’s Choice, He-Man and the Masters of the Universe aka Filmation, and Thundercats Classics) will be offered at different times (now, October, and early 2016, respectively). Matty will work with Digital River on how to combine subs. Snake Mountain will be 10 – 20% smaller. And getting Power Con exclusives into non-attendees’ hands is’s problem.

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SDCC 2015: Bandai Kicks Ass with S.H. Figuarts Bruce Lee

SDCC 2015 - Bandai Tamashii Nations S.H. Figuarts Bruce Lee

Martial arts icon Bruce Lee would have been 75 years old this year. To celebrate this anniversary, Bandai’s Tamashii Nations announced the S.H. Figuarts Bruce Lee at San Diego Comic-Con. His daughter, Shannon Lee, was at the Bluefin booth for the unveiling of the prototype.

The action figure is based on his appearance in Enter the Dragon. No word yet on price or release date, but we’ll keep a look out – I imagine this will move fast in pre-orders. No idea what Bandai’s license covers, but I’d be surprised if we don’t see a Game of Death figure to follow this one at some point down the line.

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SDCC 2015: Hasbro Marvel Legends Panel Reveals

SDCC 2015 Hasbro Spider-Man Marvel Legends - Gwen Ben

Hasbro held its Marvel panel yesterday (video coming soon to our YouTube channel) and showed off figures planned for the first waves of Captain America and Spider-Man-themed Marvel Legends in 2016. Now, we’d already been introduced to the full Spider-Man wave with Absorbing Man as the BAF at the morning event on Thursday, and a trio of figures from the Cap wave on Friday. But Hasbro still had a few surprises in store for us.

After the panel, Hasbro sent us pics of nearly all the Marvel Legends reveals from the panel. Not just the typical white background product pics – they also included some really gorgeous drama shots. Kudos to the team that shot those!

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SDCC 2015: Four Horsemen Mythic Legions (with AFP Video Fly-By)

SDCC 2015 Four Horsemen Mythic Legions (1 of 15)

One of my favorite stops at San Diego Comic-Con is the with the Four Horsemen, the folks behind the scenes on some of our favorite toy lines like Mattel’s Masters of the Universe Classics and now Thundercats. I spoke with Eric Treadaway about their own line of toys, Mythic Legions, which launched on Kickstarter as the most-funded action figure project of all time, surpassing the previous reigning champs, Boss Fight Studios’ Vitruvian H.A.C.K.S. and their previous Kickstarter for the Gothitropolis Ravens.

We also got to touch on their continuing work with Mattel, on the DC Comics Multiverse and Batman v Superman 6-inch lines. And of course, Thundercats!

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SDCC 2015: Hasbro Transformers Panel Video and Official Pics

SDCC 2015 Hasbro Transformers Panel and Reveals

Hasbro held their Transformers Generations: More Than Meets the Eye panel on Thursday. We shot video of the panel, and Hasbro followed up by sending us the official pics for the products mentioned during the panel.

Talking to Jerry Jivoin and the marketing and design team on Transformers, it’s clear how much more compelling the Transformers are when the toys are part of the story, whether that story is being told in the comics, video games, or media on the small or big screen. That comes through in their panel presentation this year.

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