A few weeks back, the Four Horsemen hinted on their Fantastic Exclusive forums that they’d have some news. Today, they shared it with us. Here’s the summary, with the full press release following it:
Fantastic Exclusive has been reconfigured to take the new economic conditions into account, but fans will have more opportunities to get involved in the creative process, including lines outside of the normal Fantastic Exclusive format, like 7th Kingdom and the Outer Space Men.
Scarabus going into production in a few months, and Raven is in the design phase with sculpting underway.
To support this, the Four Horsemen will be launching a new website that will serve as a hub for all things Horsemen.
And they’ll be at San Diego Comic-Con with Action Figure Xpress at booth #4045.
I’m a little behind on posting this, but at the end of last year (ok, more than just a little behind), the Four Horsemen held a sale on items at their online store, the Store Horsemen. Although I passed on the “swimsuit” variant of Queen Alluxandra, I had put off picking up a Ramathorr for long enough. And while I was there, I couldn’t help but pick up a Chalice of Guudenuph, the Store Horsemen exclusive variant pink elephant.
Our friends, the Four Horsemen, are holding a holiday sale starting at the end of today and running through the end of the year. Headlining the sale is a new Seventh Kingdom variant – a Queen Alluxandra repaint in her royal swimsuit.
In case you’re gathering clues, the Seventh Kingdom is probably weather-aligned with the southern hemisphere – it’s winter here in the United States, but Alluxandra is shedding layers for the summer heat. Mrow! 😀
The Four Horsemen have announced that beginning Wednesday, Dec. 9th at 11:59pm est, their online retail outlet, Store Horsemen (http://www.StoreHorsemen.com), will be having a nearly store-wide 50% off sale!
Continuing through the next three weeks, until December 31st, almost every item in the store will be on sale for half it’s normal retail price! Many of the items listed are nearly sold out, so be sure to place your orders early!
At the same time on Wednesday the new, never before revealed, Store Horsemen exclusive “Swimsuit Edition Queen Alluxandra” figure will go on sale for only $20.00 each (plus shipping)!
It’s Summer-time in Drakkignir, and that means it’s time for the Drakkignans to hit the beach – and that includes Queen Alluxandra of the Bluddmane Clan!
Dressed in her royal bathing attire, complete with her Summer cape which doubles as her beach towel*, Swimsuit Edition Queen Alluxandra also wields her royal scepter and sword, as well as a removable dagger.
Swimsuit Edition Queen Alluxandra is limited to only 250 pieces, so be sure to get yours quickly before they’re gone!
Swimsuit Edition Queen Alluxandra might beat you harshly with her scepter if she catches you staring at her exposed belly button.
Last, as a special incentive, if you order any Store Horsemen “Holiday Half Price Sale” items along with “Swimsuit Edition Queen Alluxandra”, we’ll slash another 50% off of your shipping cost when we process your order!!
Bluddmanes, bludgeonings with a royal scepter and bare bellies! Does it get any b-b-better?
* WARNING: Swimsuit Edition Queen Alluxandra’s cape does not actually double as a beach towel… Unless you’ve got a really good imagination, or you’ve got decent customizing skillzz. In that case, have at it!
7th Kingdom - Helm of Xaanm and Baddathiir - BBTS Exclusives
Have I mentioned that I love the Pile of Loot feature at Big Bad Toy Store? It helps offset one of the disadvantages of shopping online – the shipping costs. Pile of loot lets you combine orders to bring your overall shipping costs down, with the added convenience of being able to place your orders separately. The first order in your pile gets the bulk of the shipping costs, but as you add extra items whether it’s that same day or weeks later, you only get charged the incremental shipping. When you can’t wait for your items anymore, you tell BBTS to ship your pile, and start over again.
Anyways, I just got my latest pile of loot, and right at the top were Baddathiir and the Helm of Xaanm, the BBTS 7th Kingdom exclusives from this year and last. Since I’m cherry-picking the 7K exclusives again this year, I’ve been reviewing them in drips and drabs as I get them. I got Queen Alluxandra and Isadorra at San Diego Comic-Con and the RTM exclusive Raavia and the Shield of Draumm a couple weeks later.
I know a lot of people have been waiting for the Fwoosh to put Kromius from this year’s Fantastic Exclusive up for order. And, it’s really not my fault that it took so long – at least this time. 😀
Finally, the moment you’ve waited for has arrived!
You, yes, you, dear collector, can order a silver-skinned elemental from the Fwoosh – specifically, Kromius, our very own Fantastic Exclusive variant! Imagine the fun you’ll have romping and stomping around your toy room with… Uh, I mean, displaying this fine collectible in your museum-like gallery of action figure artwork.