Fwoosher PJ picked up the exclusive Batman figure that’s included in the special edition of Superman Batman: Public Enemies on sale at Best Buy today. He confirms that the figure is indeed from DC Direct, contrary to what I posted yesterday. I’m not sure why DCD told me the figure wasn’t theirs when I asked them about it.
I picked up the Best Buy Superman/Batman Public Enemies DVD today and the promo figure is a DCD figure. It says it on the box and base of the figure. It’s just like the New Frontier Green Lantern and Batman vs Dracula figures were. He’s just a new sculpt (like Bats & Dracula were) and not a scaled down figure like the new Frontier figure was. Here’s some pics-
Superman Batman Public Enemies With Exclusive Figure - DVD
It’s New Movie Tuesday tomorrow, and included on the list of new DVD releases is Superman Batman: Public Enemies, the latest animated feature from Warner Bros. Animation. Best Buy has an exclusive edition of the DVD that includes a Batman “figurine” – so far, I have not seen any additional information about that figure, but I can confirm that neither DC Direct nor Mattel (that has companion action figure lines in 6-inch and 3 3/4-inch scales coming to Target soon) was involved in making it.
I’m not planning on buying the DVD, but I’ll see if I can dig up more info on it when others do.
As San Diego Comic-Con was winding down, I got the chance to accompany the Fwoosh’s VeeBee to a chat with Mattel’s Associate Brand Manager Scott Neitlich, a.k.a. Toy Guru, in themeeting room built atop of Mattycollector’s store at the show.We had the chance to consider and talk about all of the lines he oversees, from DC Universe Classics to Masters of the Universe to Ghost Busters. Being the nice guy that he his, Scott let us pick his brain for quite awhile so we have a good-sized interview to share with you. Read on for Part 1 of conversation where you will get a glimpse at some of the day to day of his job, the challenges of bringing first-rate action figures to market, and maybe even a juicy tidbit or two!
Fwoosh: Scott, thanks so much for sitting down with us again today – it has become an annual event! Just to start off, how has the show been for you this year?
Scott Neitlich: The show has been absolutely phenomenal. We had some of the best exclusives that we have ever done. We had a great response to our improved buying process. Each year gets better and we are dedicated to additional improvements next year to make sure as many fans can purchase product as possible.
F: Were you surprised at the pace that things have been selling out at the show – I think the Wonder Twins sold out on Saturday.
SN: Yeah! For a $40.00 toy, that sold out very quickly. It is quite a Collectible!
San Diego Comic-Con Exclusive DC Universe Classics Wonder Twins Two-Pack
Looks like the Fwoosh is going to have a busy week. They’ve got a preview of the Superman / Batman: Public Enemies line that should be hitting next month in support of the upcoming animated feature of the same name.
Up until seeing these up close, I had assumed that these figures would share bucks with DC Universe Classics and have newly sculpted heads to match the style of the movie. While the latter is true, it looks like the male figures in the line, at least those pictured here, are sharing a single new base body. The lack of clothing folds by the hips is what gave it away for me.
Superman / Batman: Public Enemies - Icicle, Silver Banshee, Batman, and Superman
We have a bunch of new Mattel DC stuff for your viewing pleasure coming this week, but up first is a first time treat – a look at four of the new Superman/Batman Public Enemies figures! These six-inch figures are based off of the designs from the upcoming DC Animated movie, but for some, you might be able to fudge them in with your DC Classics collection. Read on to see some pictures and read some thoughts on this new line that will be invading your nearest Target soon.
As revealed at last month’s San Diego Comic Con, this new line of figures is being done to support the latest DC animated movie, but more importantly to us toy collectors, they are being handled by the same all-star team behind DC Universe Classics – the Four Horsemen. That being said, you know you are going to get top of the line sculpts that use parts from the DCUC line. Oh, and they also borrow the DCUC figure stands, but this time they are cast in grey plastic and imprinted with the movie’s logo (one stand is included with each figure).
I haven’t seen a of lot the previews for SB:PE, but the animation style is Ed McGuinness-influenced, and that’s mostly in how the heads look. The distinctive McG anatomy has been toned down for the mainstream viewers. That’s also how I’d describe the style for the figure line.
If you are looking for a standalone line, this will work out fine. If you’d rather incorporate this into your DCUC collection, I think that the headsculpts are a bit too different, stylistically. However, any extras are another useful source for fodder, especially with the smooth bodies and relative lack of costume details.