Jedd-the-Jedi was onsite for us today at the Singapore Toy, Game & Comic Convention’s Press Preview Day, and has sent us some pics!
These are the photos from the press preview today. Most of them are of the three Hot Toys figures. There’s a photo of the exclusive Thundercats Lion-O (Mumm Ra version) as well, and of ZC World’s Vinyl Collectible Astro Boy. Today’s line-up of toys and collectibles is just a teeny tiny sampling of what will be on the show floor when the convention proper takes place over the weekend.
Comic book artist Leinil Yu happens to be a big fan of Hot Toys figures, the first one he bought being an Iron Man 2 War Machine. He told me that he’s thinking of using them as reference material, drawing portraits based on the figures, and was surprised at how articulated the Sucker Punch Baby Doll figure was – you can cock the hip!
Stay tuned for updates from Jedd at STGCC over the next few days.
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