CustomCon 38 – the Complete Index

CustomCon 38

Without further ado, here’s the index for the entries for CustomCon 38:

Light turn-out this time around. We’ll do a better job publicizing the event for next time. Thanks to Rabid_Ewok, Fizzle, and Death Weed for submitting entries, and to all who stopped by!

More CustomCon

CC38: Marvel Legends Infinite Face Off Twin Packs by Rabid_Ewok

Marvel Legends Infinite Face Off Twin Packs

Coming this winter to CustomCon 38 is the Marvel Legends Infinite Face Off Series. This series of twin packs will feature some of your favorite heroes facing off against their deadliest adversaries. First off we have Steve Rogers, as Nomad, facing off against one of his most fearsome foes, the Gamecock! Next, we have Brother Voodoo in an epic battle against the diabolical Black Talon! Can our heroes defeat this pair of fiendish fowl?

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Soapbox Sunday: Latest Mattycollector Sale Shows Shortcomings; How to Turn it Around

Mattycollector Shortcomings

Remember the good (or bad, depending how you fared) old days when there were toys that you actually wanted to buy on Mattycollector on their monthly sales dates? Those toys would sell out in hours, sometimes minutes. And while that truly meant missed opportunities through lost sales, the quick sell-outs became the barometer for successful products.

Fast forward to today. We’re a couple of days past the Mattycollector sale for October, and looking at the sale page, there’s not a single item on the page that’s sold out. There’s not even a single item that’s marked with the “Almost Gone” tag that Mattel would add to give you a sense of urgency to grab up those soon to be sold out toys. And for a company whose marketing team is so fond of saying “We’ll keep making them as long as you keep buying them,” I’ve got to wonder how much longer Mattel will keep making them, because we certainly not buying them – at least not like we used to.

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SDCC 2014: Hasbro Reveals Marvel Legends Avengers (Odin Build-a-Figure) Wave for 2015

SDCC 2014 Hasbro Marvel Legends Avengers 2015

As promised, the Hasbro Marvel team unveiled the Avengers wave that will join Marvel Legends in 2015. This wave finds a home for the Sentry variant originally planned for Hyperion back in 2013, and the fairly recent Thor that was part of the Jubilee wave before it went exclusive.

They are joined by a much welcomed update to Scarlet Witch (with this figure, I think Hasbro is out to make a point that they can do better than Toy Biz), Machine Man, and the Carol Danvers version of Captain Marvel. I’m glad to see both a masked and unmasked version of Carol for this figure – and it’s nice to see her getting a lot of love in the recent reveals. To round it out, there’s the build-a-figure Odin – by His beard, finally!

You can see the Marvel Legends Avengers 2015 wave in our Hasbro Marvel Legends album. I’ve also included a bunch more shots of the Marvel Legends that were already up during Preview Night.

Wolverine Alone… Again! (Sort Of) –

Wolverine is the best at what he does, and what he does… well, you know the rest. But in Bill’s latest comic, you could say his fight with Sabretooth is a cut above “isn’t very nice.”

Enjoy Wolverine Alone… Again! (Sort Of), and be sure to check out more of Bill’s work here on AFP and even more at Bill’s Comics.

Wolverine Alone... Again! (Sort Of) - page 1
Wolverine Alone… Again! (Sort Of) – page 1

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