It’s a scant nine days away from the impending Apocalypse foretold by the Mayans, and I’ve figured out how to save the world. And, believe it or not, it all hinges on… Hasbro?!
Continue reading “Only Hasbro Can Prevent the 2012 Apocalypse”
It’s a scant nine days away from the impending Apocalypse foretold by the Mayans, and I’ve figured out how to save the world. And, believe it or not, it all hinges on… Hasbro?!
Continue reading “Only Hasbro Can Prevent the 2012 Apocalypse”
CustomCon 33 – Winter 2012
Welcome to CustomCon 33, the sixth installment to be hosted by TheFwoosh.com and ActionFigurePics.com!
What is CustomCon?
CustomCon is a special presentation of new custom toy creations by customizers around the globe. Ten years in the running, it’s still going strong. Inspired by the presentations of new product by legitimate manufacturers at Toy Fair and other trade shows, CustomCon is a “fake” convention, whereby customizers present their latest creations and recipes as if unveiling a new line of real toys to retailers. It’s always a lot of fun, for both the viewers and the participants.
If this is your first exposure to a CustomCon, click here to see what’s been offered over the past 32 CustomCons.
DAY TWO: Tuesday, December 11
Additional Links
A surprise announcement from Marvel is a new wave of Marvel Legends that will be exclusively online! The release times have not been specified, but these will be specifically geared towards adult collectors.
Continue reading “CC33: Marvel Legends Exclusives by Lestat”
Highmore Studios is proud to present some of Marvel’s most wanted in this all-new BAF series!
Continue reading “CC33: Marvel Legends Lockjaw Series by Highmore Studios”
Are they good, or are they bad? Find out for yourself with this one of a kind seven figure box set. Complete your Dark X-men team with Namor, Emma Frost, Daken w/alternate unmasked head, Mimic w/alternate head and alternate arm, Dark Beast, Weapon Omega and Mystique w/alternate head.
This set will never be available in stores and would make a great stocking stuffer for fans of all ages.
Continue reading “CC33: Marvel Legends Dark X-Men by Ibentmyman-thing”