Bill has shared his latest comic, a bit of fun with Daredevil and the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. You can see more of his comics at Bill’s Comics.

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Bill has shared his latest comic, a bit of fun with Daredevil and the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. You can see more of his comics at Bill’s Comics.
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The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, directed by Peter Jackson, is almost upon us, and The Bridge Direct’s first wave of figures have finally started showing up at Toys ‘R’ Us stores in my area! I collected the old Toy Biz The Lord of the Rings trilogy figures, and I could not help but pick up some of Bridge Direct’s 6-inch line to see if they complement my LOTR collection.
Showcased today are the elf, Tauriel, and the dwarf, Thorin Oakenshield. On to some pics!
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Yes, I made a Punisher custom, even though Hasbro just released a perfectly good Punisher figure as part of the third wave of (Return of) Marvel Legends. And it’s not that I dislike the figure that’s on shelves now – I love the head sculpt and just wanted to see it on a classic spandex-clad Punisher instead of the trenchcoat version we got.
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I saw Dredd 3D a couple of weekends ago and liked it very much, despite some excessive use of slow-mo – I am referring to the visual technique vs. the Slow-Mo drug that is central to the plot. And speaking of plot, the movie plays out much like a video game – after all, it follows Judge Dredd and Anderson through (was it 300?) levels of a Mega-complex, as they work their way to the final boss. Even with these flaws, the movie packs some great action and Karl Urban’s characterization of Judge Dredd is right on the money.
For a more informed and well-formulated opinion, please see Dredd – Urban Justice Is Served! by Jedd-the-Jedi at
Continue reading “Quick Pic – Judge Dredd vs Judge Death and 3A Zombs”
In my Hasbro (Return of) Marvel Legends Wave 3 Mystique Quick Pics post I included some pics of my (very short on members) Freedom Force, and wondered what to do about the lack of a good classic version of Mystique. I also had a shot comparing Ibentmyman-thing’s custom Mystique head with the regular head – and as a stand-in I had placed the regular head on a female SHIELD agent that was handy. That got me thinking – white gloves and boots, and mostly blue body. A few days later, when I picked up the figures again, an even better set of fodder presented itself.
Putting together a classic Mystique is isn’t that hard. For customizers just starting out and wanting to try something more than simple part swapping, this would be a good project, and one that will fill a gap in your Marvel Legends collection.