Spider-Man: The Return of the Green Goblin – BillsComics.com

Celebrating 50 years of Spider-Man, Bill has shared his latest comic, “Spider-Man: The Return of the Green Goblin” – it’s got the Goblin and many of Spidey’s greatest foes. It’s definitely a classic! You can see more of his comics at Bill’s Comics.

Spider-Man: The Return of the Green Goblin

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Quick Pic – Hulk – the Wal-Mart Face-Off

Here’s a quick pic I took of the two best Hulks I have in my collection – the Wal-Mart exclusive Avengers Hulk and the Marvel Legends Face-Off Hulk. I wanted to frame their silhouettes with light, so I positioned my two LED book lights off to the back and sides of them, so that each light was lighting the back of one figure and the front of the other. I also wanted a little color on both figures instead of completely dark silhouettes, so I used my cheap DIY reflector to bounce just a little light onto them from in front and above them.

I think the Wal-Mart Hulk has got the most effective articulation of any of the Hulks I’ve gotten so far, but I still love the sculpt and texture of the Face-Off Hulk, and I don’t think there will ever be a Hulk that tops the Face-Off Hulk’s head sculpt. Which of these two is your favorite? And if there’s another Hulk that tops your list, who is it?

Hasbro (Return of) Marvel Legends Wave 3 Mystique Quick Pics

Mystique is one of the figures from Hasbro’s (Return of) Marvel Legends that I’ve been looking forward to most. I had made a custom of this version of Raven Darkholme way back when Buffy figures had gotten super-articulated, and while I was liked the custom ok I hoped it would eventually be eclipsed. And it has been – by now the Black Widow / female SHIELD agent is well known territory, and it’s utilized well here. The classic Mystique by Toy Biz also suffers in comparison.

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Custom Marvel Legends Light-Up Ultron

This custom Marvel Legends Ultron (on the right) with a light-up feature has been in the WIP stage so long it’s embarrassing. I first started work on him back when Toy Biz still had the Marvel license and were producing X-Men Classics figures. He’s been sitting in a collection of random figures that don’t have a home on my shelves – for years – and when I picked him up I wondered why I hadn’t finished, as he was so close to being done.

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