Watch Marvel Super Heroes: What The–?! Siege Promo

Another timely MSH: What The–?! short from the guys at Marvel – the Hood custom looks just like the one shown at the Hasbro booth at San Diego Comic-Con last year, and I admit I would like a figure of the Iron Patriot with an interchangeable Norman Osborne head.

Check out a short but special “Marvel Super Heroes: What The–?! ” SIEGE Promo featuring the Cabal!

With the weight of the past few months hanging over him, why has Norman Osborn gathered his Cabal of The Hood, Loki and Taskmaster together in Avengers Tower for an ominous meeting? We’re not sure, but we do know this Marvel Super Heroes: What The–?! Siege promo has nothing to do with reality and everything to do with hilarity!

via Check out a short but special “Marvel Super Heroes: What The–?! ” SIEGE Promo featuring the Cabal! | News |

Marvel Legends Icons Agency X – Custom Deadpool, Bob (Agent of Hydra), Taskmaster, and Agent X

Marvel Legends Icons Agency X - Taskmaster, Agent X, Bob (Agent of Hydra), and Deadpool

In the past couple of weeks I’ve posted customs that I entered in CustomCon 24.  First, I posted my Earth 2 Superman, Batman, Hawkman, and Robin customs, which were part of a group entry for the DC Universe Classics Justice Society of America.  Last week I posted Iron Fist, Steel Phoenix, and Shang Chi, three Marvel Legends customs which made up a solo entry called Marvel Legends Martial Arts Masters.

To wrap it up, here’s my write-up on four Marvel Legends Icons customs – Deadpool, Bob (Agent of Hydra), Taskmaster, and Agent X – whom I entered into CustomCon as Agency X.  For those of you paying attention, I submitted them under a pseudonym, Iron Molars, which is an anagram of my real name.  I did so in part so I could write up a gratuitous self-description, but also because I was just a little embarrassed that my three submissions were all on the last day.

Traditionally, CustomCon saves up for a big finale on the last day, but this wasn’t a case of me thinking my stuff deserved that.  Rather, it was because I was just so overloaded getting the rest of the days entries throughout the week prepped that I didn’t have time to get my own stuff finished.  I took these pictures the same day I put the final day of CustomCon up.

Continue reading “Marvel Legends Icons Agency X – Custom Deadpool, Bob (Agent of Hydra), Taskmaster, and Agent X”

Watch Marvel Super Heroes: What The–?! Episode 10: MODOK Holiday Special

It wouldn’t be a holiday without a video from MODOK and the gang at MSH: What the–?!

Happy Holidays!

Watch Marvel Super Heroes: What The–?! Episode 10: MODOK Holiday Special

M.O.D.O.K. hosts an all-star holiday special in this episode of ”Marvel Super Heroes: What The–?!”

No one celebrates this special time of year like M.O.D.O.K. (Mental Organism Designed Only for Kristmas)! Honestly, NO ONE does.

But somehow M.O.D.O.K. convinced his famous friends and frenemies to take part in his holiday special a.k.a. “Marvel Super Heroes: What The–?!” Ep. 10! As the bigheaded blowhard awaits the big bellied man in the red suit, a stream of luminaries including The Punisher, Hulk and Tori Amos (yes, Tori Amos!) stop by for holiday hijinks!

“Marvel Super Heroes: What The–?!” Ep. 10 is one holiday special you won’t soon forget!

via M.O.D.O.K. hosts an all-star holiday special in this episode of ”Marvel Super Heroes: What The–?!” | News |

Marvel Legends Martial Arts Masters – Custom Iron Fist, Steel Phoenix, and Shang Chi

Marvel Legends Martial Arts Masters - Iron Fist, Steel Phoenix, and Shang Chi
Marvel Legends Martial Arts Masters - Iron Fist, Steel Phoenix, and Shang Chi

A week ago I posted my Earth 2 Superman, Batman, Hawkman, and Robin customs, which were part of a group entry for the DC Universe Classics Justice Society of America in CustomCon 24.  These three Marvel Legends customs were a solo entry called Marvel Legends Martial Arts Masters.

I’m going to return to my traditional style write-up of talking about the individual customs, as there’s a bit of history and a little more complexity in how they were created.  As a group, the interesting thing is how much time elapsed between finishing the customs and when I actually published them at CC24.  It’s different for each figure.  Shang Chi was essentially finished a year back or more.  Iron Fist was the same, but I was adding some tweaks in the weeks leading up to CustomCon.  And Steel Phoenix was finished the day he got posted, and in a rush, too.

I honestly thought about canning the entry when I put up Rust This World’s entry for Immortal Iron Fist and the Immortal Weapons, but I had been sitting on finished customs for Iron Fist and Shang Chi for so long that I just went for it.

Continue reading “Marvel Legends Martial Arts Masters – Custom Iron Fist, Steel Phoenix, and Shang Chi”

CustomCon 24 at

It’s the most wonderful time of the year!  No, not the winter holidays – it’s Winter CustomCon, the 24th installment and the third hosted by

What is CustomCon?

CustomCon is a special presentation of new custom toy creations by customizers around the globe. Eight years in the running, it’s still going strong. Inspired by the presentations of new product by legitimate manufacturers at Toy Fair and other trade shows, CustomCon is a “fake” convention, whereby customizers present their latest creations and recipes as if unveiling a new line of real toys to retailers. It’s always a lot of fun, for both the viewers and the participants.

This special event is running all week, so I’ll try to pick out some of the custom entries that I found really compelling.  Here’s three from day one.

via CustomCon 24 – Index |

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