A couple of days ago, I was lamenting having to move all of the action figures I had, not because we were moving, but because we had decided to install new carpeting. A few of them were on display in a small bookshelf that was mostly filled with books, and the balance were stored in big plastic tubs that I used to call “Staging Area One.” The carpet went in earlier this week, and I’ve been spending the last couple of days setting up the new display.
The new hotness - action figure display
We got rid of the old bookshelf and added more shelving cubes. In all, there are forty-nine 1-foot square cubes, and I’ve got figures in thirty-one of them, and extra figures and customizing supplies in fourteen more. I’d guess I’ve got at least five times more display space than I used to.
It’s time for us to announce the winners of the Marvel Universe Covers Contest, brought to you by the Hasbro Marvel team and the guys who run ActionFigurePics.com and TheFwoosh.com. We had a very tough time picking just three winners, because all the covers entered this year were really great. So we’ll be adding three more prize winners for honorable mentions – but don’t get your hopes up guys, because your prizes will be coming from AFP’s Free Stuff stash.
Without further ado, here are your winners!
First Prize: Calbretto - Irredeemable Ant-Man #1
Calbretto blew us away with his composition of Robert Kirkman’s first issue of The Irredeemable Ant-Man. Ant-Man is known for his exaggerations, so while we can’t find 23 villains in the cover, we really enjoyed seeing so many Marvel baddies from Hasbro, Toy Biz, and Diamond Select being crushed by Calbretto’s custom Eric O’Grady Ant-Man.
Update: El Diablo V2 provided some more context for the panel and images:
They had a panel titled “Hasbro Toys: Marvel” or something along those lines. Jesse and two Hasbro people were there, one from marketing and the other was a sculptor I think, not sure. They showed three presentations and then held a Q&A. The first presentation was really interesting…it showed the process of making an ML, including some cool shots of the stages of Galactus. He went through it really fast and I barely could get a picture. The second slide-show was on Toybiz and what we missed out on. That one hurt a bit…
The last one was just Jesse opening up three .jpgs of the Mls and talking about each one. People cheered for the first two, and everyone was underwhelmed by Lady Bullseye.
I do need to say this…not ONCE did they mention/plug Marvel Universe. This was strictly 6″ ML talk. It was great. Jesse hung around a bit afterwards and I spoke with him for a minute. He must have been remotely un-creeped out because he walked out with me and shook my hand a few times. I told him I was from the Fwoosh and I thanked him for all of the information, and apologized about the onslaught of negativity directed at him. He was a stand-up guy and seemed to be having fun during the event.
Marvel Legends is back, according to a Fwoosher who attended Wizard World Philly today! Fwoosher El Diablo V2 spoke with Jesse Falcon, who ran the Marvel Legends line when it was at Toy Biz and handles aspects of the licensing relationship Marvel now has with Hasbro. Prior to New York Comic-Con earlier this year, Jesse said ‘I wanted to come on the Fwoosh and let you guys know that next weekend your [sic] going to see something I think is amazingly cool that will be happening with the 6″ Marvel Legends line,’ only to have to recant due to some miscommunication between Hasbro and Marvel. I’m really psyched to see this finally come to fruition – maybe Jesse can start posting at the Fwoosh again. 😀
Please note: the turnarounds for Absorbing Man and Darkhawk, and the prototype of the Avengers Quinjet are from the Toy Biz days. These were toys that were never released, not a teaser for upcoming toys from the Hasbro Marvel team. These were previously shown as part of Action Figure Insider’s “Behind the Plastic” panel at San Diego Comic-Con 2008.
Re: New Legends sneak peeks to be shown at Wizardworld Philly!
by El Diablo V2 on Sat Jun 20, 2009 11:14 am
Marvel legends Teaser - Lady Bullseye, Warpath, and Madrox the Multiple Man (credit: El Diablo V2)
Allright guys, here’s my report.
They will be showing 16-18 prototypes at SDCC for release in 2010.
The 3 two-packs will be hitting in late August at the latest, still distributed by Diamond and TRU.
They hinted at a new Deadpool being revealed SDCC, as well as an Inhuman to accompany Blackbolt.
No BAFs are coming out next year.
They will be doing a fan poll for new ML, the top 3 will be split across 3 new two-packs, with Hasbro choosing the partners. These will most likely come out this time next year.
They’re still working out packaging, as in singles/two-packs for the other assortments. It seemed to me they’re leaning towards two-packs for now still.
They also had a segment on Toybiz stuff that never made it, and I have a few pics from that as well.
Marvel Legends Teaser – Lady Bullseye, Warpath, and Madrox the Multiple Man (credit: El Diablo V2)
ActionFigurePics.com and TheFwoosh.com present the Marvel Universe Comic Covers contest.
Thanks to our friends on the Hasbro Marvel team, ActionFigurePics.com and TheFwoosh.com are proud to present you with a chance to win one of three fantastic prize packs from Hasbro’s upcoming Fall line-up of Marvel products.
WHO: The Marvel Universe Comic Covers contest is open to readers of ActionFigurePics.com and TheFwoosh.com at least 18 years of age as of June 14, 2009. Your entry in the contest constitutes your agreement to allow your cover recreations and your name or nickname to be published on ActionFigurePics.com, TheFwoosh.com and other websites.
WHAT: We are looking for striking recreations of classic covers from the Marvel library of comic book titles, using action figures from the Marvel lines (Marvel Universe, X-Men Origins: Wolverine, Marvel Legends, Marvel Mighty Muggs, Super Hero Squad) from Hasbro and Toy Biz. You may also include action figures that have been customized to portray Marvel characters. For example, here are the winning entries from last year’s contest:
Grand Prize – Avengers #173 – AnimateTed
Gold Prize – Civil War #1 – Raydaimon
Silver Prize – Daredevil #181 – Lucid Silverback
Bronze Prize – Astonishing X-Men 13 – Enforcer
WHEN: Deadline for submitting entries is July 17, 2009 at 11:59PM PT, via e-mail to covercontest@thefwoosh.com. Include the comic title and issue number of the cover you are recreating, and your name, nickname, and username on TheFwoosh.com (if you have one), with your entry.
WHY: Hasbro is providing three prize packs of Marvel products, as described below. This will be your chance to get these products before they hit the shelves this fall. A selection of nominated and winning entries may appear on ActionFigurePics.com, TheFwoosh.com, and other websites.
Grand Prize : All three Hasbro / Marvel Comic Con Exclusives (70th Anniversary Invaders 4 pack, single carded grey scale Captain America, Wolverine Mighty Mugg) plus the new wave of Marvel Legends 2 packs (3)
2nd Prize : All three SDCC exclusives plus one new wave of Marvel Universe (5 single carded figs)
3rd prize : One wave of Secret Wars Comic 2 packs (3) plus one SDCC Wolverine Mighty Mugg