Four Days to Help October Toys’ Skeleton Warriors Kickstarter Hit Funding Target

With two other action figure campaigns running in parallel on Kickstarter, the Skeleton Warriors project by October Toys needs your help. With four days remaining in its campaign, they are about $14K and change away from hitting their $45K target. With Kickstarter projects, it’s all or nothing – if you don’t get enough pledges to hit your funding goal, the project does not move forward.

In case this is your first time hearing about the Skeleton Warriors, the proposed toys are a revival of the Skeleton Warriors cartoon from 20 years ago. The figures will be 3.75-inch scaled, the first of which will be super-tall Baron Dark, the skeleton big bad at 5-inches tall. The figures are Glyos-compatible, and there’s also special reward tiers that include an exclusive “Skeleden” – part skeleton, part Pheyden – designed by Matt Doughty of Onell Design.

The other two campaigns, Vitruvian H.A.C.K.S. by Boss Fight Studio and Legends of Cthulhu by Warpo, have both surpassed their funding targets and are working on hitting stretch goals. So give October Toys a kick and let’s make it a trifecta for action figure projects on Kickstarter!

Vitruvian H.A.C.K.S. Kickstarter Surpasses Funding Target; Hits First Stretch Goal

While we’re on the subject of Kickstarter projects for action figures, Boss Fight Studio’s Vitruvian HACKS blew past their funding target of $75K just a couple of days into their campaign. Shortly thereafter, they achieved their first stretch goal for a pre-curse Medusa – before she got turned into a half-snake Gorgon. I figure this will be a popular add-on figure. She’s got legs! She knows how to use them!

The campaign is just over a week old, and it’s approaching the second stretch goal. This one is for two “wave 2” figures – an Athenian Warrior and a Green Snake Gorgon. If you haven’t pledged yet, you could help push HACKS past the next milestone of $105K – well within reach.

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Vitruvian H.A.C.K.S. and Skeleton Warriors Launched on Kickstarter

Two action figure campaigns launched on Kickstarter yesterday. A few hours after posting our teaser for Vitruvian H.A.C.K.S. project, Boss Fight Studio got the green light from Kickstarter and opened up the Vitruvian H.A.C.K.S. campaign. And shortly thereafter, October Toys took their campaign for a Skeleton Warriors revival live. It’s pretty cool that in times when the big toy companies are having trouble getting licensed product to retail shelves, small independents are able to utilize the crowdfunding channel to get their products to collectors.

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Get Ready to Kickstart Boss Fight Studio’s Vitruvian H.A.C.K.S. 4-Inch Action Figures

Vitruvian HACKS - Cursed Medusa

Boss Fight Studio, the design and sculpting group behind the recently over-funded Marauder Task Force Gaming Figures project, is getting ready to launch their own 4-inch action figures on Kickstarter. While the Marauder Task Force focused on the military genre and plans to expand into science fiction and superheros, Boss Fight Studio’s Vitruvian H.A.C.K.S. starts out in the fantasy genre with Greek warriors vs. the Gorgons, and plans to expand into other fantasy genres as well as outer space.

H.A.C.K.S. aspires to be more than an ordinary action figure line – Boss Fight Studio plans the line to be a system for easy army building and customizing. The name may evoke the combat you’ll be waging between the Greeks and the Gorgons, but officially it stands for “Highly Articulated Character Kit System.” And don’t make the mistake of thinking the name somehow besmirches the capabilities of the five principals of Boss Fight Studio; the three designers and two sculptors (one of them is our long-time pal, Doubledealer) are no hacks – they cut their teeth working at Hasbro on the big brands – G.I. JOE, Marvel, Star Wars, and more.

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