The Pre-Toy Fair 2014 Hasbro Marvel Update

This upcoming weekend we’ll be braving the cold weather in New York City to attend the Hasbro Toy Fair Preview, of which Marvel will be one of the major brands to show – among others, Transformers, Star Wars, and in a limited capacity, G.I. JOE. But we’ve got some catching up to do, so here are some updates to the Hasbro Marvel lines which will bring us up to speed before the big event.

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Marvel Comic Book Canvas Art Sale on Woot

Woot Marvel Comic Book Canvas Art Sale

If you’re a fan of Marvel Comics and are looking for something to class up your man cave, then this sale at Woot is for you. The Marvel Comic Book Canvas Art Sale features your favorite Marvel heroes and villains depicted in classic covers or comic book panels – but printed on canvas versus shoddy poster paper. You’ll have to hang them up using real hardware, not push pins, but that’s what lets you claim them as actual art!

They come in two sizes:

  • 18″ x 26″ x 0.75″ comic book dimensions for $59.99 (63% off List Price of $159.98)
  • 26″ x 26″ x 0.75″ squares for $79.99 (64% off List Price of $219.98)

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Happy New Year! – Watch the Marvel Legends Wolverine Epic Split

Marvel Legends Wolverine Epic Split

Hope you had a great holiday. If you did any surfing over the past couple weeks, you probably encountered the Chuck Norris Epic Christmas Split, the interweb’s response to the Jean Claude Van Damme Epic Split commercial that was produced by Volvo.

Not to be outdone, the Marvel Legends Wolverine from Toy Biz one ups them both, with some help from a couple of Hasbro Sentinels from the Marvel Universe line. The video is from Reckless Abandonment Pictures, the guys who brought us some action figure stop motion videos for the openings of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and X-Men cartoons.

We’ll get back into the swing of things this week – in the meantime, enjoy the video!
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My X-Mas Wish – Hasbro, Make a Marvel Legends Squirrel Girl Already!

This holiday season, I’ve found myself playing a fair amount of Marvel Heroes, the action RPG from Gazillion Entertainment. I was a big fan of the earlier Diablo games (not so much Diablo 3), and the team behind the first two games drove the development of this one. As such, the game may look a bit “classic” but the non-stop action coupled with the Marvel lore makes it a very fun experience.

Before I started playing, I wondered about what it would be like, since as a player, you are limited to choosing from the roster of Marvel heroes in the game (versus designing your own hero, like in many other RPGs). But with a steady release of new playable characters, it’s not all a bunch of Wolverines running around. Which brings me to my point – of *all* the playable characters (and a fair amount of villains in the game), there’s only one who doesn’t have an accompanying action figure in Marvel Legends – Squirrel Girl. It’s time for Hasbro to step up to the plate and make her!

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